Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday Turkey and Hummers

Design - "November Stamp" (Flip It)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha Cashel 
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 November 2014
Completed - 29 November 2014

I like his colorful array of tail feathers.

The Anna's Hummingbirds have colorful feathers too.

In the sunlight they glow and gleam.

A dark rainy day makes dull feathers and a rather grumpy bird.

This female braved the elements to keep any eye on the kitchen window feeder. 

She managed to flash the irredescent feather of her gorget.  

Gorget is the name for the patch of colored feathers on the throat or upper breast of bird. The term is derived from the gorget in military armor to protect the throat. Who knew?  I sure didn't.  

She looks like she already knew!


  1. Beth,
    Your photos are amazing!
    We're enjoying a pair of hummers. As for pictures...not so much.

    Keep warm!

  2. What a cute turkey--why aren't they that colorful in real life, I wonder? They need to take a lesson from those hummers with their gorgeous gorgets (thanks for the new word, Beth!).

  3. Hi Beth, A beautiful header for December! Love your turkey and great pictures of the hummers - I didn't know the term gorget either - that's cool.

  4. Love that turkey finish. Love the hummer. Gorget, huh? Who knew?

  5. She CERTAINLY looks like she knew she has a Gorget! Cute little LK piece! I like the feathers too!

  6. Love those bright turkey feathers! Too cute!
    Hummingbirds are so much fun to watch! I don't see many, but one will come by every once in a while!

  7. Rain or shine, they are beautiful little birds! Love your cute turkey!

  8. You capture the best photos of the birds :) And I love that turkey!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.