Friday, December 26, 2014

A Catnip Christmas

Every Christmas morning the cats are gifted with fresh new catnip mice. 

An orgy of drug-induced self-absorption ensues. 

Ah Nirvana!

There's nothing better!

Just don't get too close, or hissing and fighting takes over.

Solomon, Padma, and Parvati love catnip, while Tom-Cat could care less. 

Is there a better way to spend Christmas morning I ask you?


  1. Mia is iffy on catnip. Sometimes she loves it, but not as much as most cats. Sometimes she could care less. Mostly it's care less. lol! Coffee, on the other hand....

  2. Have you ever had issues of the catnip changing the cats scent and other cat rejecting it for a while?

  3. Very cute! Do they also like cat mint? Our neighbor cat was caught rolling in ours a few summers ago.

  4. Haha...the joy of catnip. We have Biskey who loves it and Smudge who is more of a 'you seriously expect me to move for that?' kind of cat.

  5. These guys have the right idea!

  6. Lol. There's nothing like catnip. We have done the same thing with animal gifts for years.


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