Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mid-Week Update

I do hope to stitch a Thanksgiving themed chart or two.
Here's my current selection.

A couple of the Big Leaf Maple are finally beginning to get some autumn color.

And I'm noticing lots of the younger Douglas Fir trees are loaded with cones.
That means a good supply of winter food for the birds and critters like squirrels.

Speaking of squirrels...
Ground squirrels are another name for the chipmunks.

Have you ever seen a chipmunk's tongue before?
Take a close look! 

It's unusual to have two as close together as this pair.

With no sign of frost in the forecast, I guess they are not in any hurry to hibernate.

I wouldn't mind a Long Winter's Nap myself!


  1. I like your informative posts and enjoy the photos of plants, birds, stitching and animals. Speaking of animals, all chipmunks are a type of ground squirrel, but not all ground squirrels are chipmunks. There are ground squirrels in my area...they live under the "temporary" school classrooms and in the crevices among the boulders at the shoreline....but they are not chipmunks.

  2. Chipmunks are so cute... I like your stitching plans, especially the Prairie Schooler :-)

  3. Good November choices. Can't wait to see which one you pick first.

  4. Fabulous photos of the chipmunks!

  5. Love chipmunks! I wish there were more around our neighborhood. I miss them.

  6. I like that older Prairie Schooler chart. I don't think I've ever seen that one! They are cute finished into acorn shapes. I'm looking forward to seeing your stitching!

  7. I like your selection of Thanksgiving charts. Which one will you start?

    I always see several ground squirrels together and it's very rare to see just one around here. Haven't seen any lately though. Maybe they're already hibernating.

  8. It will be fun to see what you choose to stitch. The squirrels have been munching on the carved pumpkin we have on the porch. I think I will throw it into the woods behind the house so the wild animals can have a feast.

  9. Those chipmunks are so cute! I've never seen one before! We only have big squirrels here in MS!
    I have that PS Acorn chart. I haven't stitched it yet, but I really would like to have a few of those cute acorn shapes to decorate with. I hope you'll stitch and finish one!! Cute!

  10. A lovely selection to choose from.
    I went to Kew about a month ago and I had not seen so many different pine cones!

  11. Great selection of charts to work on this month! I look forward to seeing progress on them. Chipmunks are rodents, sure, but they sure are adorable!


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