Sunday, November 23, 2014

I'm Late With a Post

Today has been a lovely day and I've been outside.

The deer in particular have enjoyed a break from the rain. 

The other evening as we came home they were bedded down at the edge of our driveway under a group of Oak trees sheltered from the rain.

As you can see they look pretty fat and happy.


  1. awww they look adorable and how nice to see the sun again after the rain ... hope all is well your side of the pond ... I have just had a quick flick through the last posts .. lovely bird photos and stitching ... hope life calms down abit so you can get more done too :) love mouse xxxxx

  2. The deer look very happy. We had a marvelous day here too. I only needed a sweat shirt for my walk! Much better than that freezing weather we had last week!

  3. Oh, it looks like it was a beautiful sunny day! So pretty with the green grass and the deer. I need some green around here.....

  4. The deer look so graceful and well feed. Beautiful day for you taking photos. love Annette

  5. Yes! They do look so healthy and happy. I hope they are safe by you from hunters? Yesterday I saw the first car this season with a doe strapped on top. Deer beware of hunters!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.