Sunday, November 2, 2014

Hummingbird Sunday

The Anna's have taken to using the feeder attached to the kitchen window.

One bird at a time - no surprise there.

The wing feathers look like the tiles on a roof.  

Aren't those lovely iridescent green feathers?

And here's my 'Guy Anna'.
He literally brightens my day!


  1. ooOoo! Beth, these are fabulous closeup pictures. I have never seen the wing feathers in that way. Neat!
    The "guy Anna" brightened my day too. =)

  2. Beth, beautiful pictures of beautiful birds.

  3. Ah wonderful! I so love the hummers. What a beautiful red head the male has!

  4. He would brighten my day too! Beautiful photos! Your new header is great.

  5. I wish a beautiful hummer would brighten my day! I sure miss those little birds, but I'm glad I get see them on your blog.

  6. Wow--what a contract in coloring between the male and female! NO fair!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.