Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Framed Finish

Design - "Love Your Hearts"
Designer - DMC
Fabric - 32 count white linen
Fibers - DMC Color Variations - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 April 2009
Completed - May 2009

Framed - October 2014

Isn't this fun?  I didn't have anything framed that was appropriate to have up during the month of February. I am really pleased with how bright and cheerful "Love Your Hearts" turned out to be. 

Our recent cold temperatures were nonetheless very sunny. 

The cats felt the warmth of the sun trumped whatever the thermometer might have read. 

And it was worth being outside...

...even if they had to tuck their nose in against the cold!

I'm not sure that there is another bird I enjoy watching more than my group of Acorn Woodpeckers.

I've decided that this bird on the lower left is a juvenile female.  She's shown up in the last three weeks or so.  She is so short and plump and has the teenaged bed-head thing going on.  I just have to believe she's a youngster. 

See how her body type and hairstyle differs from the mature female at the right of this feeder shot?

Two birds at the feeder is no longer any big deal.

I don't yell for others to come look unless there are at least three birds. 

That certainly is a wicked looking beak isn't it?


  1. I love that teenage woodpecker.
    We have a cat-6 years old, but new to us. He likes to go out on our enclosed, unheated porch on cold but sunny days. He's out there right now. After a while he'll meow to be let back in.

  2. Very cute piece! Now you are set for February!

    The cats look very happy to have some sun on them.

  3. What a sweet Valentine design!

  4. I like your framed hearts! You will enjoy displaying them in February.

  5. Your framed piece is perfect! I love the color of the frame with the design. I think I have said before that you have a bunch of very smart kitties!!!

  6. The acorn woodpeckers are so pretty. What fun to find the female teenager! Your hearts framed finish will be perfect come Valentine's Day!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.