Monday, November 17, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside

Design - "Stacked Halloween"
Designer - Hinzeit
Fabric - 28 count Beige Jobelan
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 3 November 2014
Completed - 13 November 2014

I know, it's half way through November and I haven't posted a turkey stitch yet.  I'm working on one - I promise!  In the meantime, how cute is that owl? 

Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny, but cold.  Very cold.

It was about 21F when I went out to put up the Hummingbird feeders.
The hummers started drinking almost instantly. 

We had a heavy, sparkling frost coating all the plant material.


Nonetheless I was greeted by a chipmunk. All the others appeared to be hibernating - I don't know why this one isn't.  He's certainly fat and healthy enough to survive a long sleep.

There was lots of bird activity.

Song Sparrow

Pine Siskin

Golden-crowned Sparrow 

Scrub Jay

Steller's Jay

Mourning Dove

California Quail

I have a small group of seven birds.

Lesser Goldfinch

House Finch

Pine Siskins and House Finch

Acorn Woodpeckers

I signed up to submit data for Cornell Lab of Ornithology's "Project Feeder Watch".  The program runs from November 8th, 2014 through April 3rd, 2015.
I'll be able to submit my bird sightings from Sunday which include:
Steller's Jays, Scrub Jays, Golden-crowned Sparrows, Towhees, Mourning Doves, Juncos, Acorn Woodpeckers, Anna's Hummingbirds, Song Sparrows, California Quail, Pine Siskins, House Finches, Lesser Goldfinches, Chickadees, Flickers, and Starlings,  

I think that Parvati is the Queen of Creature Comfort!
She climbed up on top of my blanket covered sedums and made a cozy nest in the winter sunshine.


  1. Love the owl. Green eyes, like me! ;) Parvati looks adorable!

  2. That owl is totally cute! Is it a new pattern?

  3. Very cute owl finish. Love your cat picture, he has the right idea!

  4. What a darling owl, Beth--hadn't seen that one before... It seems like the cold snap has really hit most of the northern U.S. I've been shivering all day here--wish I could just curl up and nap like Parvati :)

  5. Your stitched owl is very neat Beth. I love the colour of the jays - it's such a stunning blue.

  6. That owl is so cute!The variety of birds is wonderful to see! I just hope they can stay warm.

  7. Beth, your Stacked Halloween is so cute! You got some really amazing pictures of the birds today (well, really you always have amazing pictures!) The frost really makes everything sparkly beautiful! Parvati is one smart cat!

  8. Love the stitch! I can't believe how cold it is so early. I hate it! But I love all the wildlife at your place. So exciting that you signed up for that bird feeder watch.

  9. You're going to skew the numbers for your area, because ALL the birds love you and know of you!! Probably come from miles and miles away but they heard about you from.... The fountain is pretty frozen! Hugs!

  10. Oh, I hope the frozen water didn't damage the fountain. We've had windchills of -10F yesterday and today. Stacked Halloween is really cute.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.