Sunday, October 5, 2014

Harvest Festival

Our local Grange had a Harvest Festival on Saturday, so my sister and I went to take a look.  

There were half a dozen stands selling produce.


and herbs

and squash

and yet more squash.

One vendor was busy spinning wool.

Yummy colors!

Another vendor had delightful bits and bobs.

I loved the name of this business and the colorful potholders.

There were fresh flowers for sale.

The Grange Cafe was open for business

with something for everyone at very modest prices.

Nice outdoor seating to eat 

and listen to the music

and ooh and ahh at the baby goats!

This is something Oregonians will be voting on in November. You can probably figure out where the Grange and I stand on the issue!


  1. Oregon at its finest for sure!!!! What a fun day!!

  2. I'm in total agreement - it's something I feel quite strongly about.

  3. How nice. Nothing like a great market to go to.

  4. Oregon has the right idea, at least you and the sign writer. T hat looks like a fun little event with lots of goodies!

  5. Fall festivals are so much fun! I have to agree with you my friend.

  6. What a fun festival with lots of goodies!

    I agree. We need to know.

  7. Looks like a bountiful Harvest Festival.

  8. It will be an uphill battle... heck, we still don't have Organic going good! Looks like a fun time tho! Hugs!

  9. Looks like fun!
    Baby goats are the cutest thing ever.


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