Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Descent of Woodpeckers

I have two stitching projects left over from September.
On the left is Mosey 'n Me's "Folk Art Cat" to which I've added a few more tiger stripes.  On the right is Barrick Sampler's "Log Cabin Cat" with the outer board now 50% stitched.

A group of Woodpeckers is called a descent.  If you think about it they fly to the tops of trees and then descend as they work away. 

Here's my Descent of Acorn Woodpeckers.



Two - male and female

Two again - females this time


Four birds!
This is the most at the feeders at one time!

I think I'm in for some good bird watching in the winter months with this group of birds!

I mentioned earlier in the week that we'd watched a cool bird documentary.  It was an episode in a six part series called "Earthflight: A Nature Special Presentation and aired on PBS. It might repeat or be available on Netflicks.  It was well worth watching - I'd like to see the other five parts of the series.       


  1. happy stitching dear xxxxxxxxxx

  2. OOh I think the Folk Art Cat is going to be one I REALLY like! Looking forward to more progress shots. I hope we get to see some winter birds. Have to get some reading done about that! Hugs!

  3. Hmmm... you just never know what you'll learn by reading blogs!! Think I'll impress the guys with my knowledge of a "descent of woodpeckers" at Sunday dinner.

    Your new Folk Art Cat looks very interesting--enjoy!

  4. Love your stitches! So cool about the woodpeckers too!

  5. What a fun group of wood peckers. That variety makes me smile!


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