Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hummingbird Sunday

The last of the Rufous Hummingbirds have left.
So now we are all about Anna's.

I think I have four or five Anna's Hummingbirds.

Enough anyway that they feel compelled to perch near the feeders and 'guard' against incursions by other birds. 

Thus the show of bright throat feeders.

They prove she's one tough little bird! 

The Anna's also use the tops of young Douglas fir trees too as lookout posts. 

It's sort of amazing they actually have any time or energy to sit at a feeder.

They are still able to supplement the feeders with flowers like this Morning Glory. 


  1. The faithful little Annas! The heat is bad again today!! I have you on my mind as we are hearing about the fires!

  2. Ah, those beautiful birds! I will never tire of seeing them on your blog.


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