Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oldies But Goodies

August 2014 Blog Header

ROW #1: Ewe & Eye & Friends, "Bountiful" stitched 1999; Cricket Collection, "A Little More Seasoning" - "Quilter's Ark" stitched 1995; Just My Imagination, "Ladybug Picnic" stitched 1999; Vanessa Ann, "Quilt Designs in Cross Stitch" - "Black Bear Pull Toy Pillow" stitched 1980's? 

ROW #2: Sisters & Best Friends, "Hoopingarner Farm" stitched 1995; Bent Creek, "Starry Starry Night" stitched 1995

ROW #3: "Cross Stitch Sampler Magazine" April 1995 - Janelle Marie Designs "Geranium Sampler" stitched 1995; Better Homes & Gardens Prize Winning Mini Samplers, "Fruit Sampler" stitched 1997, Bent Creek, "The Lighthouse" stitched 1998, Periwinkle Promises, "Acorn Sampler Accent" stitched 1998, The Prairie Schooler, "Autumn Samplers" - "Autumn" stitched 1997 

ROW #4: The Cricket Collection, "Mrs K Claus" - "Warm & Wooly" stitched 1999; Vanessa Ann, "Quilt Designs in Cross Stitch" "Gray Bear Pull Toy Pillow" stitched 1980's?, Ibex Designs, "Rainbow Pillow" stitched around 1974 - my first cross stitch project! 

The this month's theme is probably hard to figure out. Most of these are things that I stitched in the 1990's excepting the hearts which is the very first thing I ever cross stitched (about 1974). So the theme is:
Oldies But Goodies 

The weather has continued to be hot and humid.  And to top it off we've suffered with a haze of smoke from the forest fires in northern California.  Yuck!

So we'll take a walk Back in Time before the smoke diffused the light and sullied the air.

We did have pretty blue skies last weekend. 

I'd love to see someone munching away on the Dogwood fruit.

The Snowberries are beginning to ripen.

My sister managed to pick a large bowl of blackberries.  She had to work hard to do it, as most of the berries are small, hard and green.  

The Ash trees say Fall is not far away.

Thought it is no longer flowing, the Big Creek still has a few pools of water.

The wild mint is green and lush.

The Oak leaves green and adorned with galls.  

I think Pearly Everlasting must be the final wildflower to bloom.

It is a charming flower - so delicate and papery-thin.

Last night around 9:20pm we watched the International Space Station  arc across the night sky from the SW to the NW on the six minute journey visible to us.  While watching the bright dot of light I glanced over at one the large Douglas Fir trees near the house. Clearly silhouetted atop a dead branch was a Great Horned Owl.  Though we could only see the outline of the bird, it was awesome.  The bird then flew away, but not very far and began to talk, "Who-who. Who-who-who". The perfect end to the evening!  
One year ago today Mom, my sister, and I visited Salisbury and Stonehedge.


  1. I was wondering what the theme was! ;) I love the Geranium Sampler.
    What a great evening.

  2. How cool to have seen the owl. I think they are hard to find. In the couple or so years we have been looking intently, we have only seen them maybe 3 times, all in different places. I know there is one not far from our house, because I can hear him at night...

  3. Thanks for the info on the header Beth! Your header is great as usual. I was trying to figure out the theme and I love it!What a beautiful and amazing collection of cross stitch you have...I'll keep plugging away!

  4. Oh geez. Here I knew it was August, but I was surprised to see a new header. Doh! lol! Love it! So cool that you saw and heard the owl too! And the space station of course!

  5. Thanks for the nice walk. We have had morning clouds and a brief break from the nasty weather. Back to the heat this week-end or so they say. How wonderful seeing both the space station and the owl. We hear the owls from time to time in our woods but have never seen a glimpse of one.

  6. Love the blog header for August! We are having beautiful weather here, probably more what you're used to. Sunny and temps between 75-85. Only thing is, we haven't had decent rain since June 30. I'm not complaining!

    How awesome that you watched the space station and then saw an owl and got to listen to it. There's an owl nearby here that hoots all night long. Last night the cows were mooing and the owl was hooting together all night long.

  7. Oldies - such a nice theme for August. I love stitching older charts, sometimes even more than stitching the new ones.

  8. Ahhh... Oldies but Goodies! yes they are... I have the two Bent Creek ones in my stash... I really should do the Lighthouse one for my summer displays... hmmm... I just got back from a trip which I will blog about... but didn't get to get out and explore the wildlife. Bummer. So am always glad to see yours!

  9. The rainbow hearts are still relevant today. Very cute! Loved the breakdown on these.

    I feel like Bent Creek and Prairie Schooler designs are kind of timeless in a way, aren't they? (I really should do more PS designs. I always love them when I come across on the blogs.)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.