Thursday, August 21, 2014

Mom's Latest Stitch

Design - "Star Spangled Summer"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - Aida
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands
Started - 1 August 2014
Completed - 20 August 2014

My Mom has been stitching away this month.  She just finished stitching "Star Spangled Summer" by Heart in Hand. 

Sunny August days are often Lazy Days.

Though it does pay to be ever-vigilant!

I am enjoying the show the Western Wood Peewee puts on in the last evening - swooping and diving to catch insects then returning to the same perch only to sally forth once again. 

Not much of anyone sings in mid-August.

The exception seems to be the young Black-headed Grosbeaks.

My female Western Tanager came by again... always it is just for a minute or two.
Long enough for me to see her, grab my camera and attempt a photo or two.  Then she's gone again.

Speaking of yellow birds...
On Tuesday morning my Wilson's Warbler came by for a short visit.

This bird is not much bigger than the Goldfinches and it does not stay still!

I think this is the best series of shots I'm ever going to get of this small bird.

The White-crowned Sparrows are back once again and it is pleasant to see these pretty little birds.

One a year ago today Mom and I once again found ourselves at Heathrow - this time with better results! I blogged a recap of lists of many of things we did during our three month adventure


  1. That is a sweet stitch by your mom.
    The warbler pictures are really neat.

  2. I love seeing the bird photos. I think you could win a prize with them! Your Mom is doing some lovely stitching!

  3. Oh the Wilson's Warbler is so pretty! What a vibrant yellow.


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