Friday, August 8, 2014

December Stitch August Baby

Design - "December Swirls"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 count linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - ???
Completed - 5 August 2014 

This is another of my Mother's stitches.  She had it 98% completed except for a few snowflakes, but she is no longer comfortable stitching on linen so I added it to my WIPs and finished up for her.

I watched a Mama and Baby American Goldfinch the other afternoon.

Fluttery Baby is on the right, Patient Mama is on the left.

Baby says, "I've got wings & I know how to use 'em.  Kinda'!"

"And I'm pretty darned cute too."

Mama says, "Now don't get too taken with yourself dear.  Your only a baby bird."

Baby says, "Huh."

Mama frowns the Mama Frown.

Baby says, "Well, I can fly, I can fly, I can fly, I can fly!"

And just like that more family members joined the party!

I'd forgotten that the Goldfinches love my Verbena.  

As soon as it begins to set a few seeds they work away on the plants.
I'd like to grow some sunflowers next year.  Wouldn't they be pretty sitting atop the flowers?

And here's another family photo.
My group of three Acorn Woodpeckers!

One year ago today Mom, my sister, and I visited Bath.


  1. I just adore Goldfinches. The baby is soooooooo adorable. :)

  2. Very cute! I love the baby Goldfinch!

  3. Ooooh, yes! Goldfinches on sunflowers! That would be wonderful! Nice finish -- so nice of you to finish it up for your mom!

  4. What a cute Dec. stitch. Have you heard about the little girl up here who they found yesterday? I bet a good bird mama would not have let her little one wander like those parents did!!!!! It is an incredibly sad story!

  5. Cute little stitch and I love the goldfinches!

  6. I especially like the mom and baby bird photos! Your photography is amazing, Beth!


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