Monday, August 4, 2014

August Action Plan

So here's my pile of WIPs and UFOs.
There are nine of them.  Two are my Mom's and I'll finish them up for her.  I'm starting with the July Shepherd's Bush and then I'll probably work on my Mom's as they are almost done. There's certainly enough to keep me busy for a while.

The past few days I've been watching the Scrub Jays hard at work.

They have Hazelnuts.  And instead of eating them, they are burying the nuts. 

Here's a fledged Goldfinch begging away hoping its father will feed it.

Dad flew away, but the baby stayed a while flapping and fluttering.

Most mornings a quail family takes in the morning sunshine atop our compost pile. 

We haven't had many Mourning Doves this year. I think all the hawk activity has driven them away.  I've had one couple that are 'regulars' and they've had kids because now I often see three or four birds.  

I continue to be charmed by the 'one-off' color variations in the male House Finches.

This yellow guy is quite pretty.

One year ago today Mom and I visited Clarence House awaiting the arrival of my sister.


  1. Let's talk hoops....I noticed you use ,what I call bars not hoops. Tell me are they comfortable to hold? What are the advantages...... 9 WIP my .....

  2. We know what you'll be doing for a while!.........

  3. What a lovely pile of UFOs -- there are some very pretty pieces. Love the header this month. The Autumn sampler by PS is my favorite one of this edition.

  4. Beth, that looks like my pile of UFOs! Happy stitching! I forgot to say that I love your header(as always).
    We have lots of mourning doves - anywhere from 12 -18.

  5. Heck--baby pile next to MY WIPs! I have some next to me in my chair, some in the bottom of my thread cabinet, and some in a huge plastic container! I am fickle, what can I say? Thanks for the birdie fix. I can't say I have seen the House Finches in off colors...

  6. Lovely bird pictures, as always!
    What a nice little stack of WIPs! I recognize some of them and they are pretty! You will have some great finishes when completed! It's not that big of a stack--you'll get it all done!

  7. You mean Plans, right, not Plants? I was looking for the green stuff! ;-)

    Great projects though and should keep you busy. You gotta stay inside in this heat too don't you? I try too. We have fans going (no a/c). The cats are melting and very lethargic!

    I love your August header but the PS Autumn? Not yet, can't think of that yet!

  8. Wow, I've never seen birds bury nuts! Fascinating! Loved seeing your UFOs....anything less than a dozen doesn't even count! right?

  9. Lovely bird pics as always. The quail babies are getting so big!! So is it just the male that has the funny thingie on its head???

  10. Only 9 WIP's? Gosh, I have many more than that! I like the house finches. We have more Mourning Doves this summer than we've ever had. I hope the Scrub Jays burying the hazelnuts doesn't mean a hard winter is coming.

  11. I wait each day for your post, I love every subject, your wild birds are so very different from our's here in UK. Your photography is brilliant.

  12. I bet you'll be able to make a big dent in (or even finish) your WIP pile, Beth--good luck :)

    Great photos of the busy Scrub Jays and I love seeing how much the quail babies are growing!

  13. Burying the hazelnuts intrigues me - how do they crack them to eat them?

  14. Good luck on those wip's! I am sure you will have success.

  15. I didn't know birds buried the nuts. Fascinating. A nice pile of WIPs, hoping to see lots of progress.


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