Monday, August 18, 2014

Attack of the Giant Frog

He may be a little frog, but I hold him responsible for all my stitching woes yesterday.

I was stitching merrily away on the right side of the vine when I got to the bottom and realized it did not line up with the flower at the bottom. 
Off one stitch.   
I took a deep breath, and decided to stitch on the bee skep for a bit while I pondered the problem. I found the error.  It was on the vine on the right side just below the flower on the right side. A row of two stitches off-set one over from where they should be. 

Really I had no choice.

So I frogged out all the "off one" stitching - about 1/4 of the vine.

I don't know why he is smiling as I did not find it at all amusing.

I plodded away for a couple of hours in the evening, and got most of the error restitched. Thank goodness I have a large skein on GAST "Baby Spinach" so at least I don't have to worry about dye lots issues.

I hope I've said goodbye to the frog at least as far as this stitch is concerned.

Maybe this patient turtle will guide my stitching efforts this week. 

One year ago today Mom and I took a walking tour around Hampstead.


  1. How can one stitch out make such a big problem.

  2. Ugh. Hate that. Hope today is great!

  3. Hate when that happens. I probably would have just left it because I hate unstitching.

  4. Sometimes I think it happens just to make sure we stay humble! It does teach patience.

  5. Yeah, the frog visiting is never good. Let's hope the turtle sends him to the other side of their pond to sit and think about what he's done. Naughty frog!

  6. What a fun post!! Although I am sorry about that darn frog, even though it was pretty cute! I just hate it when you can't make an error work. I think it has happened to all of us!

  7. That feeling as you hold your breath near the joining of a vine or a frame or a's nerve-wracking!

  8. We've all been visiting by the 'frog' one time or another. I'm glad you found your mistake, and just about have it all re-stitched!!

  9. ouchie ... mind you I could't spot the wee error in the first place ... love the frog photos but hope the turtle is your friend this week :) love mouse xxxxx

  10. That frog looks scary. Sorry about your stitching woes but glad everything is now sorted.


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