Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A Grand Adventure in Review 2013 - Tips and Tricks


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London Walks



A Good trip to London
Patricia -
I never asked if you'd been to London & Oxford before, so I'm going with the assumption it is
your first visit there.

First off Oxford. 
We took a tour of Oxford and I recommend doing that as Oxford is very much a Hidden City.
All of the Colleges 'face inward' - most everything of interest is inside the inmposing walls and behind the medieval doors hidden away.
The city is a maze of colleges and it is a challenge to figure out which ones to visit and what the hours are and the price etc.
I found this 90 minute walking tour:
After you did that you you'd have a better sense of what you else you might like to see and how the city is laid out.
The Ashmolen Museum could easily take 1/2 day all by itself - you are wise to have a specific exhibit in mind.
I will warn you that trains to and from London to Oxford and back again are jammed packed!   

Now on to London
I like to contrast BIG things with SMALLER things.
My list would include in no particular order:

1. Kensington Palace - We saw the exhibit Fashion Rules and enjoyed it very much.
You can buy tickets ahead of time, but I do not think it is necessary to do so.

2. Houses of Parliament Tour
We did this and really enjoyed it - it is only available when the houses are not in session
and so you are lucky to be able to go if you want.  I think it would go well with your visit
to the Ambassador's Residence.
MUST buy tickets ahead of time by phone when you are there or pop into the ticket office.
Extreme security in place too so allow extra time when visiting.

3. Westminster Abbey
Very close to Houses of Parliament so do Parliament in morning - have lunch
then go to Westminster Abbey. Or reverse order...

4. St Paul's Cathedral
Then walk over the Millennium Bridge over the Thames River and look at all the street performers near the Tate Museum.

5. High Street Shopping
Even if you don't like to shop the crowds and stores are amazing along Oxford and Regent Streets.

6. Borough Market / Southwark Cathedral
Such a fun place to visit - best Fri-Satmost booths & vendors open then.
Market right by Southwark Cathedral and work a pop in there.

7. Tower of London - You don't have to GO INSIDE.
But you should take the underground to Tower Hill and look out on the amazing installation commemorating WWI.
Bloodswept Lands & Seas of Red - incredibly moving

8. Trafalgar Square / National Portrait Gallery
Trafalgar Square is good fun and has wonderful views down the Mall and toward the Houses of Parliament.
The 4th Plinth is a bright blue Rooster!
I then like to go to the National Portraite Gallery (NOT the much larger National Gallery!!!)
I like people so I like portraites. Open until 9pm Thursday night

9. Clarence House
Prince Charles lives here.  You can tour when he is in Scotland in August.
Buy tickets in advance!!! Visit lasts about an hour.

12. Buckingham Palace
An easy walk over to Buckingham Palace and this is a great time of year to
visit as the Queen is in Scotland and the State Rooms are open.
Book tickets ahead of time

We did the State Rooms, Queen's Gallery and the Garden.  I was not impressed with the
garden and would suggest you not pay to see it. It is nothing special and the traffic noise is horrific!
Do the State Rooms and the Queen's GAllery - both are great!  

11. Royal Park
When you are done walk back down the mall on the right hand side through St James Park.  Very Pretty Royal
park with large ponds, lots of birds and the famous pelicans you near the end of the park by Whitehall/Parliament.      

12. British Museum
Very cool Mummy Exhibit my Mom would be SO jealous if you go!
Buy tickets ahead - they are open late Friday nights.

13. Lucky 13 - London Walks
We took LOTS of walks and daytrips with this firm.
There is something for everyone.  Check the calendar and see what appeals. I did a Christopher Wren Walk for example.
If you are there Saturday August 30th I HIGHLY recommend the Cotswold Day Trip.
Lovely beyond belief and a nice country contrast to all your city sight seeing.

14. Victoria & Almbert Museum / Clothworker's Center
V&A has its sampler collection here. You can arrange to see some of them.

I hope this helps and that you have an extraordinary time!

1 comment:

  1. These notes are fantastic! I'm copying them for future reference so THANK YOU for posting them!


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