Monday, July 14, 2014

Red White & Blue

Design - "America"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Khaki Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW -2 strands over 2 threads
Started -6 July 2014
Completed - 9 July 2014

I used WDW 'Linen' for the white. The pattern called for 'Beige' which, I thought far too beige to work well.

Speaking of red white and blue...  

Mr. Turkey Vulture sports a red head! 

Baby Evening Grosbeak has some white feathers.
Isn't that a sweet little chick?

For comparison, here's Baby Black-headed Grosbeak. 

Mr. House Finch has a nice red, brown and white outfit for July.

Baby House Finch is a study in brown and white and ruffled feathers.

Not the best photo, but it is rare to see a baby Jay.
The parent is on the left, the begging baby on the right.
And both have nice blue,gray, and white outfits.

Weirdly each morning the Violet-green Swallows hang out at the bird houses.  

You can see the green cape that helps to give them their name.

The other evening I spied a Cedar Waxwing from afar!
I also saw my Bushtits fly from the backyard to the front.  The flock has grown to 14 birds.  I've put out suet once again so maybe they'll stop by.

One year ago today Mom and I took in the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show.


  1. Love seeing all the babies. How do you spot them all? Fantastic! Great patriotic finish too!

  2. Those swallows are so pretty. I've never seen those before.

  3. As always, it's great to see the bird photos. You must spend a lot of time with the camera glued to your eyes!

    Lovely finish!

  4. I've been enjoying catching up with all your lovely bird and bunny photos since I came back from Wales. I loved the photo of the young deer with puss cats.

  5. cute finish! I have moved on to Christmas stitches this weekend... tho it could change by tomorrow! Love the birdies of course! Hugs!

  6. Thanks for showing the bird babies, I only see robin babies around here.

  7. Love your Red, White & Blue! Makes me want to stitch another one for my basket.

    I love all your birds, and also the bunnies lately!

  8. The birds are wonderful and full of delightful colors!!I have never seen a baby jay!

  9. Your bird photos are the best. I love seeing who comes to visit you!

  10. What a gorgeous bird that swallow is, Beth--what wonderful colors!

    Great new patriotic finish, too :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.