Sunday, July 27, 2014

Neighborhood Growers' Market

Yesterday my sister and I finally got around to visiting the small Growers' Market that is at our grange about a mile from our house.  

Though small, it was well attended and we visited with several neighbors.

Pygmy goats - oh so cute.

I thought my sister might well leave with one!

There were 3 or 4 small vendors selling produce.

And some interesting artisans like this one who makes hummingbirds and dragonflies out of horse shoes.

I thought my sister should buy this apron.
It looks like her cat-crew modeled for the fabric.

And you know I checked out this booth very carefully!

Hope you are having a super weekend.

One year ago today Mom and I visited Oxford.


  1. We don't have stuff like this... but my husband and I are going to take a trip out in farmland next week, to get fresh veggies! A nice outing! IF it is not raining! Hugs!

  2. I love little markets like that! The goats are too cute! =)

  3. Looks wonderful! So did you end up with a pygmy goat? :D

  4. Waaaah. I want a Pygmy goat! :(


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