Tuesday, July 29, 2014

As July Comes to an End

I still have two or three more Patriotic Stitches I'd like to get started on before the month ends.  First up will be Heart in Hand's "America".

Yikes - July is quickly coming to a close.  Let's take a look at what is going on with my gardening efforts.  Then we can head on over to the Tuesday Garden Party at an Oregon Cottage.

While I'm usually all about bright Crayola crayon colors, I do really like my dark chocolate brown Coleus.

Back to Bright! I've been exploring orange plants a bit this year.

I planted out four different colored Thunbergia vines. This one - Orange Beauty is the best performer so far.

And I'm really pleased with the two large pots of bright orange New Day Gazanias.

Back to Blue and my Comfort Zone.

This is the first year I've grown Marine Blue Salvia - Salvia chamaedryoides - the hummers like it fine.

Speaking of blue, just looking at this glass cascade of white and blues is calming and cooling just like water, or so I think. I picked up this beauty on my trip to England last year at Saltram.  The blues are the colors of the ocean and sky in Devon. 

"I'm just a girl who can't say no..."
I ordered five Fuchsias from a local nursery. 

I've become enamored with the smallest types of Fuchsias like this F. procumbens.

So then I had to buy F. procumbens variegata.

I planted up this great basket in early May with four small starts of Dark Eyes.  It's everything I could ask for now and much less expensive than buying a pre-grown basket. 

I've also started 'collecting' triphylla-type fuchsias such as this one - Traudchen Bonstedt. 

Here's another triphylla-type - Koralle. Gardenmeister is probably the best known triphylla fuchsia. 

This is basket number two - with that old fashioned favorite - Swingtime. 

Here's a Green Comma Butterfly resting on Fuchsia Autumnale.

It was 96f yesterday - far too hot for my tastes.  I watered everything well last evening and as the temperatures are to remain around 90f through Sunday, I'll be watering every two to three days. 

One year ago today Mom and I visited Hampton Court - there are two posts about our day there.  Here's the first, and here's the second


  1. Your plants are all looking great. I think I'll try starting a fuchsia next year. Do you keep all of yours in shade? You certainly are getting a great collection of little patriotic stitches! Warm again up here, high 80's, a bit better than what you are putting up with!

  2. I love seeing your fuchsias. I have 'Swingtime' but none of the others. One of my favourites this year is my 'Shrimp Cocktail' which has gone totally mad!

  3. such a pretty butterfly capture! :)

    I have a yellow thunbergia and an orange and the yellow is doing better. Both are growing like mad but the yellow has more flowers. No clue why ! :)

  4. Good for you! I had a few more patriotic stitches I wanted to get done too, but well, they will wait.
    That blue glass cascade is very cool.
    Wow! I have never seen so many varieties of fuschias.

  5. Who is the designer of the eagle on the egg? I just love all your patriotic pieces!

  6. I really love the orange flowers! And that lovely blue glass -- wow! I wish I liked gardening. lol!

  7. Oh no--say it ain't so!! July is nearly over!! Where did the time go?? I bet you finish at least one more patriotic, but probably two pieces! I like the orange thunbergia... gotta see if it is grown around here... Hugs!

  8. Your fuschia plants are beautiful! I have always loved them. I will have to have one next summer.

  9. Lovely plant photos ... my uncle George was a fushia man he grew loads for all the family :) good luck on getting you finishes done :) love mouse xxxxx

  10. Oh your fuchsias are gorgeous! Love your blue art glass - I agree its super calming & cooling to look at.
    I have so enjoyed all your patriotic stitching. love Annette

  11. lovely plants pictures...
    happy stitching my dear x

  12. 96!!!??? And here we are freezing with record lows here in PA. It was only 52 here yesterday morning...

    The blue glass art is stunning--and I love the fuschia photos.

    Good luck with squeezing in a few last red, white, and blue finishes!

  13. The fuchsia are lovely! I tried my hand at creating a couple of baskets this year too and they've been great and saved a pile of money too! I will definitely do that next year.

    That F. procumbens looks really interesting. I've never seen it before.


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