Friday, June 6, 2014

More Than I'll Probably Ever Stitch

So the problem isn't finding a bee motif chart to stitch.

It's choosing the chart(s) to stitch!
Over the years it appears I've amassed quite a collection of bee charts.

"I'm Chip, I'm Dale"...

Each morning anywhere between 7-10 chipmunks scamper and scurry around the Big Woodpile as I set out sunflower seeds.

I think I must have the fattest chipmunks outside any National Park!

On a nice day, the cats spend most of their time on the Back Patio...watching...

We have one young doe that is now coming by all by her lonesome.

She watches the cats and the cats watch her until...

...the cats hear my sister's car - and that means SUPPER TIME!
No deer can compete with the sound of a dinner bell.

At times my feeders are bright, bright yellow and the air is filled with the sound of the Goldfinches.

Have you had enough of the Waxwings yet? I haven't! 

One year ago today Mom and I spent our last day in Paris.


  1. Those chippies are sooooo adorable!
    Nope! Not enough of the Waxwings.

  2. Isn't it great to have too much to chose from? ;-)
    Cute pictures, again - love the cats' parallel attitudes.

  3. Beth, you got some fantastic charts! I saw several that I want. :-)

    Your bird pictures are great as always! I saw and photographed a new bird for me the other day. We were at the beach and I saw lots of Laughing Gulls. :-)

  4. Never enough waxwings....are they called wax wing because they look like carved out of wax? Have a great weekend. Every time I hear that I think of The Dowager ( Maggie ) saying " what is a weak (week) end" hahaha

  5. Great collection of bee charts. I have a few in my stash but not near as many as that. We don't have good hiding places for the chipmunks so don't see them too often. I have only seen Cedar Waxwings once but remember it so well.

  6. Glad to see I'm not the only one with more than I'll ever be able to stitch--that is a great looking bunch of bee themed charts, Beth!

    The photo of the kitties and the young doe visiting is precious :)

  7. Not tired of the Cedar Waxwings--never! I like their colors, and the tuft on their heads! You do have quite a few selections to choose from there... I just finished a smallish repro sampler, and did my first over-one on 36 count!! My goodness, it was teeny tiny to see! I will put it on the blog soon. Hugs!

  8. I have an idea for the bee charts....
    Make a bee tree, stitch a bee or motif from each book and make an ornament to hang on the tree.
    Pretty nature photos, as always

  9. Wow so many sweet charts
    Beautiful pictures x

  10. Oh yeah, the dinner bell always wins out over anything. lol! You have quite the collection of bee charts!

  11. Beth, what a lovely collection of bee charts! Part of the pleasure is in the collecting so you can never have too many on any given theme (that's what I tell myself regularly!)
    Never too many pictures of the cedar waxwings!
    What great shots of the cats and deer and of course, those adorable chippies (we had nine one morning). I think in the winter they will be glad they have a little extra weight!

  12. heheheh ... just a small stash eh ??? love the chipmunks the expressions are sooo cute ...
    That deer is really brave isn't it ... love mouse xxxx

  13. You've got your own shop! A wonderful array of charts to choose from. Wonderful photos.

  14. I would say I would take all your 'extra' bee charts off your hands but, crikey, I have more than *I* can stitch as well. Haha!


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