Sunday, June 1, 2014

Bunnies and Birds

"Bunny says, "You'd think with an expansive backyard, a guy could have a little elbow room."

"Somehow, no matter where I am, the Quail Highway goes right by me." 

Mr. Cal Quail has No Comment in response to the bunny's remarks.

In fact his feathers appear to be a bit ruffled by the entire kerfuffle. 

Mr. Flicker seems willing to make a statement.

As does the Scrub Jay.

The Robin says he's here for earthworms and earthworms only! 

When the Band-tail Pigeons come by they are LOUD!

And when they fly away they leave feathers behind...

Moments later the Barn Swallows and Violet-Green Swallows come swooping by and grab the feathers to use as nesting material!

Melissa kindly shared this video of Barn Swallows who learned to activate sensor doors. Enjoy! 

Yet another New Bird!
Can you believe it?

Not great photos as the bird was at a distance high atop a tree.
He's an Olive-sided Flycatcher. This bird is a summer resident here and spends winters in South America.  Flycatcher like to perch atop snags and the better to catch flying insects.  The birds frequently return to the same perch as a lookout for flying insects. 

He was singing away which is what first caught my attention.
He has a very distinct 3 note call which some folks think sounds like "Quick! Three Beers!" You can take a listen to his Typical Voice and decide for yourself if he's calling for a round at the pub. What I can tell you is that after hearing this bird and identifying it; I've realized it is one I've heard for several summers now - I just never knew who it was.   

One year ago today Mom and I explored some Parisian cross stitch shops!


  1. Enjoyed the Paris post!! What a fabulous trip!!!

  2. Lovely pictures, thanks for sharing.

  3. You have quite the population in your yard! So cool to have another new bird too!

  4. I am always amazed that these little creatures go so far for the winter!!

  5. Quite the active yard you have!


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