Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Week Flies By

We've had great weather all week and I've been gardening like crazy.
Still have lots to do, but am feeling as though I'm making some progress.
The entire world is green! 

The birds provide some pops of color against the green backdrop.

I've counted up to 14 Evening Grosbeaks.
This photo has 9 Evening Grosbeaks and 1 Black-headed Grosbeak.

This guy obliging posed for me.
Right side


That's some beak he has.  When there are several at the feeders I can hear them popping the shells of the sunflower seeds with those big strong beaks.

And here's a happy couple.
The Evening Grosbeaks have found my feeder hanging from the Front Porch. They await their turn in a nearby Japanese Maple.

And here's a handsome American Goldfinch.

He was singing and singing and singing.
I'm trying to decide if he has just one leg, or if the other is tucked up out of sight.

I read that the Acorn Woodpeckers are supposed to have multiple broods from May through July.  I'm hoping for babies! Shouldn't you be on a nest lady?

This is the prettiest flower we have blooming at the moment.
An Oriental Poppy.

One year ago today my Mom and I visited the British Library.
You can read about it here.


  1. That year has flown by, I loved ready your comments whilst visiting all the places here in UK, loads of which I had never seen.
    Love the birds again, we are having a mini heatwave, so enjoying the outside.

  2. That little goldfinch is so cute, and yes, the Oriental Poppy is very pretty!

  3. I just love your posts - love all the birds, bunnies, deer, cats and all the flowers. Those poppies are beautiful.

    And, I loved rereading about your trip abroad - looking forward to rereading the next installment. ( where did the past year go???)

  4. Love your bird photos. That Evening Grosbeak is beautiful. I wish I saw them around here. We have the Rose-breasted Grosbeak though.

  5. That poppy!!!! OMG, so beautiful! I love poppies anyway. lol! Love the birds too. You get such fantastic pics. The color of that grosbeak's beak is just wonderful! (Are you going to give a tutorial on bird feeders?? :D :D )

  6. Beth, without question that is the most beautiful poppy I have ever seen! Great pics of the birds. We have lots of American goldfinches at our feeders - they are such happy little birds! I love your striped bunny from your last post. Have a great day!

  7. Three of my favorite things, beautiful birds, flowers , and the lovely NW green!

  8. The oriental poppy is so very pretty. We're very green over here too with all the rain we've had. I thought of you when I had to rescue a baby starling from the road outside my mum's house this week. I moved it to her garden where the mother found it.

  9. Forgot to say that our maple whirly-gigs are tan in color--the red you have is so vivid! Interesting... Love the oriental poppy! Enjoyed the visit!

  10. I saw several Evening Grosbeak couples for the first time last weekend. Of course, I didn't have my camera with me. Great photos of your backyard visitors!

  11. Love your bird pics as always! That Poppy is gorgeous.

  12. Wonderful photos, love the poppy. Is it really a year!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.