Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday Plans

Pickles is going to have a lazy kick-back day today.
He may manage to work in some bird watching.

This area has oodles of Canada Geese

and Bushtits

and Mallards.

There are lots of House Finches at the feeder. 

I think the Chickadees are eating the peanuts I've set out.

And there's been a pair of Black-Headed Grosbeaks.
 hanging around.

I've seen and heard Violet-Green Swallows, Barn Swallows, and Evening Grosbeaks.

Look at all my new reading material!

You can see what Pickles thinks of all this Bird Talk!

While Pickles holds down the fort, I'm off to a couple of local plant sales with my Mom and sister. I'll share my finds with you in a later post.  


  1. You have the most gorgeous cats! And all your birdie pictures...lovely!

  2. Plant sale! I hope you get lots of goodies.

    Pickles is a very handsome kitty!

  3. Have a wonderful day with your Mom and sister. I can't think of a better way for you all to spend your time. Pickles looks so ambitious!

  4. The name 'Pickles' reminds me of the beautiful black and white cat that used to be our hospital cat - he was so loved and did so much good for the patients (and staff!). Pickles actually looks like our Elsie aka Girlie. Hope your day was great Beth!

  5. I'm sure you managed to find some great plants while shopping with your mom and sister, Beth. Glad Pickles kept things under control while you were gone!

  6. Pickles is so cute! I enjoy seeing the birds, even if Pickles thinks they are boring, lol. Have fun with your mom and sister.


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