Monday, May 19, 2014

Sailing Boats and Soaring Birds

The weather changed late Saturday night to rain, so I was able to get some stitching done on Sunday. "August's Poppy" now sports a sailboat and anchor and the completed sentiment. There's still lots of border work to be done before I tackle the poppies.

The rainy weather didn't seem to bother the birds much.

I have two pair of Lesser Goldfinches. 

With the rain, the Robins reappeared.

The Downy Woodpecker continues to work away at my suet feeder.  I haven't seen any Flickers there lately.

The Mourning Dove is all puffed up talking its sad little lament.

I complain about the Band-tailed Pigeons and maybe this photo will make it clear why!  Can you count all the birds? I counted around 38. I have the feeders set up now so they cannot land on them. The birds still perch on the iron hooks and of course feed on the ground. They are easily spooked and fly away en masse when startled. 

Now for a cool soaring bird! 

For the past 4 or 5 years a pair of Bald Eagles has nested in a tree on the north side of Skinner's Butte.  On Saturday my sister and I went over to take a look. 

One of the adults was on the nest when we got to the viewing point.
The bird quickly fly away and revealed... 

The Darling Baby Eaglet!
Is that cool or what?

One year ago today Mom and I visited the Columbia Flower Market .
If you go and read the post note that Mom bought the Upton Park sign in the 6th photo and I bought the green flower pot in the 7th photo.


  1. Very cool indeed Beth, the baby looks so cute - if that's possible for an eagle.

  2. 38 pigeons....I thought 14 morning doves were bad...last few years and they manage( funny to watch) to sit on my feeders...kind of sideways to feed. My new cat seemed to scare them often so they left and we might have a pair but no more. They were so messy... but it was fun to spook that mean of me?????

  3. Super sweet x
    Lovely stitching x

  4. Super sweet x
    Lovely stitching x

  5. AWESOME!!! The eagle and eaglet, stunning!! Thank you for sharing that! One day, I will see one for myself in the wild :)

  6. Beth, what amazing pictures of the eagles! I remember being so thrilled at seeing eagles when we were in Alaska. They really are magnificent. Oh my goodness, you do get alot of pigeons! I know I say this regularly, but I so love My Garden Journal series.

  7. Wow! Cool that you got to see the Eagle and the baby!! Hugs!

  8. Soooo cool with the baby eaglet! Wow! Beautiful parent too! Wow on the pigeons. Yikes! That's a whole lot of them! I don't blame you for wanting them gone. Love your stitching!

  9. What a treat , seeing the baby eaglet!! In fact, I always think seeing an eagle is a very special treat. I do like your new start. Of course, I like anything with a lighthouse.

  10. Your bird pics are the best! I love to see the birds at the feeder but living in VT we are instructed to take our feeder in from Spring-Dec because they attract bears! I miss seeing the birds out my window but I really don't want to see anymore bears.

    The eagle pic is amazing and very exciting.

  11. Wow a great photo of the eagle.

  12. Great photo of the eagle! And, how lucky to get to see the eaglet! Wonderful!!


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