Saturday, April 12, 2014

Cute Critters

There are at least two big Gray Squirrels that hang out and eat my sunflower seeds.

And I've counted six chipmunks.

For the past several days they've showed some common sense and stayed off the Back Patio.

They will live longer, healthy lives that way - far away from the sunbathing cats.

Someone commented that feeding birds is a constant war with successive battles to outwit the squirrels. 

I only noticed when I uploaded these photos that this bunny appears to have sustained a battle wound right between his eyes.

I am reasonably certain that my cats are not to blame.
I wonder who he tussled with.

This bunny was on full alert - looking to the left.

And then to the right.

He settled down after deciding it was a Quail Invasion.

The Quail strolled by.

Until the bunny decided to move on...

...and they followed.
Poor bunny, he can't get any space to himself.


  1. Squirrels are amazing in their acrobatics. I like the quail and bunnies together. :)

  2. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths squirrels will go to get at the so-called "Squirrel Proof" birdfeeders :) Love the quails, Beth--wish we had them around here!

  3. Cute, I love them! Thanks for showing.
    Greetings from Germany

  4. Great pics! Poor bunny. I was wondering if you had problems with squirrels at the bird feeders. I guess you don't have many. We have tons!

  5. Why are squirrels always upside down! Just love the chipmunks fat cheeks, can it really get any more in!


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