Friday, March 7, 2014

What To Do?

I still haven't come up with a stitching theme for March.
I am going to the month to catch up and finish some of my larger stitches
Then, I'm thinking maybe Spring Flowers? 

Hey, I DID IT!

Kinda' anyway.

I think I got some reasonable shots of my resident Bushtits.

They came by as I was filling up the front feeders in the late afternoon. 

They don't seem bothered by my presence.
I admire their ability to grasp hold sideways or upside down.

There were somewhere between 9 and 11 birds.

Tiny fat bodies with a really long tail feathers.

I think this might be the best photo thus far.


  1. They are adorable; you did a great job.

  2. Spring flowers sounds good to me. I've not been dropping in much this week Beth as my mum is currently in hospital so my days are taken up with work and then going back and forth to visit with her.
    I'm popping in when I get a chance.

  3. I vote for spring flowers too!

    The Bushtits are beautiful tiny birds and I think you got some great shots!

  4. Wonderful pictures! Those little birds are so cute.

  5. They are so cute and tiny! I love the pics -- they are wonderful! I think a flower theme would be appropriate for this month -- at least for me. lol!

  6. Great shots of really cute birds.

  7. Todo, tus fotos, tus ideas, todo hermoso, felicidades

  8. Oh my, aren't they cute - wonderful pics.

  9. Love the Bushtits such fun birds to watch great photos.

  10. What great photos! I think it's hard to get decent shots of birds, they move so quick.

  11. You ALWAYS get great pictures to me! Spring flowers--great choice! Hugs!


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