Monday, March 24, 2014

Summer-Like Weather Summer Stitch

Well, it's time to get working on another in the series.
I've kitted up Cottage Garden Samplings "August's Poppy".
Bright bright colors on this one - it should be fun. 

The weather the past few days has seemed almost summer-like too. I've been outside without a coat or sweater or tights - just a summery polo dress.  The cats and I have been loving it.   

My primroses are at their peak now.  I bought several "Hose in Hose"
varieties from Log House plants about three years ago and they've grown and grown and grown. The deer nibble on them once in a while, but mostly leave them alone.

More primroses and pansies on the Front Porch.

Along with some small bulbs too.

The daffodils I planted in late October are blooming now. 

Can't go wrong with daffs!

Usually after one year I then plant out the bulbs in a flowerbed. As you can see, if it was a 'mix', I don't even bother to separate the bulbs.  I like the yellow daffodils with the blue muscari. 

Daffodils, muscari, and tulips!

The north side of the house is extremely shaded.  The hellebores are just now blooming in full force.

The plant that is amazing to me is this Bleeding Heart.
This is what it looked like on March 10th.

And here it is on March 23rd - all ready to burst into bloom.
It is in a dark corner and the foliage really lights up the area.


  1. You know what I thought after reading the whole post and looking at each picture? MY HEART is bleeding. Ha! We are in the teens right now. puh!

  2. Such a beautiful spring garden!!

  3. It's great to see all your flowers in bloom! Now I can see how being a bit north of you we are a bit more behind with the blooms.

    Your new start looks very bright and happy!

  4. Gorgeous blooms and wonderful garden you have. Love your new summer stitch piece. love Annette

  5. Your flowers are all so pretty. I wonder how warm it has been in Seattle?

  6. Wow, you are so far along in your spring flowers! Wow! So lovely! The only day we came close to sweater weather was Saturday when we were almost to 60. So nice. But now more snow. Seriously. Ugh.

  7. Lovely flowers and new stitching project!

  8. I so enjoy seeing all your flowers! This time of year, all the stores have little pots of Primroses in bloom. Their blooms don't last long enough. We have a fresh blanket of snow on the ground this morning, but I can see just the tips of the Tulips and Resurrection Lilies poking up through the ground.

  9. I love seeing all the flowers but, gurl, you are killing me with this spring stuff, it's so cold out here still. lol

  10. Your garden is looking absolutely gorgeous! The bleeding heart is amazing, I can't believe the difference.

  11. I may plant some spring bulbs this fall, in pots. Can't seem to keep any in the yard--the squirrels transplant them to my neighbors!


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