Saturday, March 22, 2014

I've Got Mail

I've had a couple of wonderful surprises in the mail this past week.
Maggee at Stitching Devotee gifted me with this most appropriate photo frame.  Thanks so much Maggee! 

And look at this.  Charts, linen, Victorian Motto threads, and three colors of boucle! All I can say is: Wow! Parsley, who has the blog Seasons of My Mind and hosts My Garden Journal SALgifted me all of the above for taking part in the SAL.     

So keep yours eyes open, you never know when you too might be the recipient of a RAK!


  1. Lovely gifts! Nice bird pic too!

  2. What very nice gifts for you. That hawk is certainly keeping watch!

  3. Lucky girl! They are some nice gifts!

  4. Sweet gifts, and that bird frame is darling :) Enjoy all those wonderful charts and fabric/floss FUN!!!!

  5. Lovely gifts. The little bird frame is too cute and so perfect for you! All the stitching goodies are great too, it's always fun to get stash!

  6. What wonderful surprises to receive. Lovely gifts. Like the bird cage on the frame. I have some of those and didn't think to place them on frames - great idea:)
    love Annette

  7. Your posting cracked me up. I love all of your bird postings and would love to see a Scrub Jay in my neck of the woods. Very nice RAKs. I love Nancy's threads too.

  8. Super great gifts. They definitely know you well. :)

  9. Aww, I'm glad you liked your goodies. I missed this post and wasn't sure you got it but you did! Yay! Enjoy.

  10. Beautiful gifts. Love the bird photo frame, really cute.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.