Saturday, March 1, 2014

Big Brave Birds and Courageous Cats

Friday morning and ALL the cats were on High Alert!
I'm glad you asked.

Perhaps because a group of 10 marched up the driveway... 

...around the front of the house...

then strolled...

to the back yard...

where the gals spied the cats...

and the cats spied the turkeys.

They appeared equally fascinated with one another!

All the turkeys were hens - so no aggressive Tom-turkey behavior.

Though this gal looked to be a bit wary of Padma...

While these two hens showed no fear whatsoever.

I think the Meet and Greet went very well!


  1. Beautiful feathers on those hens.

  2. Oh Beth, those photos made me laugh out loud. My son thought they were hilarious - they must have been so curious about each other.

  3. Wow, that must have been some get together! Was there hissing or squawking? lol! Love the pics!

  4. What fabulous pictures! They are so cool with both cats and turkeys being so great with each other.
    I can hardly wait to hear more about your header Beth - you have quite the amazing fluffle of bunnies!

  5. Aaaahhh! Those bunnies are too cute and fabulous!! Love them. Cannot pick a favorite. Squee!
    That is fascinating to see the turkeys and cats so very close together.

  6. that was sooo cute to see the hens with the cats .... think it did go well didn't it :)
    and love your new header too :) love mouse xxxx

  7. What fantastic photos! Are they wild turkeys? Do you often get visited by these fabulous fowls?

  8. How wonderful! Love turkeys and it's been a while since I've seen any near my house.

  9. Those are just great pictures. The cats look so cute checking out the turkeys and how wonderful seeing all those wild turkeys!!

  10. Oh my! I love seeing wild turkeys (except when they are in the road). The kitties are sure brave!

  11. It was fun to see your meet & greet session!

    Love the Bunny-licious March header!

  12. You can see the mutual diffidence very well in those pictures - great shots :-)

  13. How funny! There is an ostrich farm right down the road from us. I still get a kick out of seeing those gawky birds in this area of the south!

  14. Wow, this post made me smile!! Turkey's and cats...who'da thought??

  15. Wow! Wow! Wow! amazing photos. So glad that everyone played nice.

  16. How sweet are those photos!! Just loved that meet and greet, Beth :)

  17. Been glancing through your posts, trying to catch up and I just had to stop and comment on this one ~ how amazing that the cats were so near!!

  18. Pretty amazing that nothing more happened!!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.