Monday, March 31, 2014

August Light House and March Hare

I got back on track with my Series Sunday, and began working on the border of Cottage Garden Samplings "September's Poppy".  Once again an interesting and entertaining border. The roiling waves beneath the lighthouse on the left are going to take a while to finish. I like the bunting on the upper right.

We've been a little chipmunk heavy lately, and another party wants to be heard...and seen.
I bring you
The Bunny Photography Session Portfolio

Who's that hiding in the tall grass?


It's a Basic Brown Brush Bunny.


"What's up Doc?"

Coy bunny

Profile shot

Ears at attention

Looking thoughtful

When the Quail come to call.


  1. Great new stitch Beth! Were you lying down on your tummy to get those cute bunny shots? Our next door neighbors with Mr. Whiskers just moved out yesterday. Looks like this will be the year of the return of the chipmunks!! How terribly exciting for Mabel and Henry. :)

  2. The borders on that series are the best, aren't they? And I can never resist commenting on a bunny post--the photos are adorable, Beth!

  3. Nice start on August! And the bunnies are too cute :-)

  4. the chart you are stitching looks good x

  5. What lovely bunny pictures, so cute!! Your new start looks very nice. I will be anxious to watch your progress.

  6. Lovely close up shots of bunny. Your project looks good, I like the way the lighthouse forms part of the border. I'm afraid I missed all of your recent posts Beth but I'm catching up on them now.

  7. Awww, such a cute, plump bunny! I love this poppy piece. So neat that it has a lighthouse too!

  8. I do love the borders of those pieces. When I saw the lighthouse, I knew that I probably would have to stitch that one. Your bunny pictures are so cute!

  9. The bunny photo session is cute. I haven't seen any bunnies here lately. The bunting, lighthouse and waves are really cute too.

  10. The borders in this series are really interesting. Great start!

  11. Great bunny shots. A lovely start to your next project.

  12. How much more fun to stitch those interesting borders rather than the same thing all the way around! I could never get tired of bunny pictures. So cute!

  13. I have noticed that many of the pieces I stitch, if not ALL, have borders. I like them. Period. I always hold my breath, as I stitch them first, that they will meet up, and for the most part--they do. I like the ones in this series you are doing... not as much matching up! Good idea! Bunny is adorable...


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.