Sunday, February 9, 2014

You Might Be Wondering Where I've Been - Sunday's Post

I'm stitching!  I'll tease you with this new start...more about it later this week. 

At 1:00pm Saturday afternoon we lost our cable and internet due to the ice storm. Then at 10:00pm Saturday night when we lost power so I've been Off the Grid and unable to post.

The freezing rain began falling Friday night and continued until Saturday afternoon.

The Quail liked it as they could skate along atop the icy surface rather than plowing through the deep snow.

The weight of the ice atop the snow had the branches of the Douglas fir trees dragging down.

It made some lovely ice sculptures too.
This is the candelabra (the top) of a young Pine tree.

Everything got an icy coating.

Most of the birds stayed away.  I had Starlings, Starlings, and yet more Starlings. 

Can you see the female California Quail? 

This young Maple tree was very pretty with its icy coat. The poor little birds could not sit on the branches. They'd light, then slide down as they could not get traction; just like cars on the icy road.

By late afternoon I did have a few Oregon Juncos.

And this female Flicker came by to do battle with the Starlings for possession of the suet feeder.

The freezing rain created miniature icycles.

Poor droopy Pine tree!

Thank goodness the Douglas fir trees just bend and bow and don't break.
Thus far we've only had one large branch come down.
Amazingly little tree damage.


  1. I sure hope your generator did the trick for you all. Yikes! Were you without power long? I hope not! It does make for lovely scenery, but I'd prefer having power and internet and cable. lol!

  2. I hate it that you've endured an ice storm, but I'm happy to see the gorgeous photography you have shared with us capturing Mother Nature's beauty! Gorgeous photos!

  3. Why is it that some of the most brutal winter weather creates some of the most beautiful scenery? I'm sorry that you've lost power. Can't wait to see what new stitchy piece you're working on.

  4. Wow! Very gorgeous. I would LOVE to see skating quail. =)

  5. Gorgeous pics, but ice is horrible. Have you lost a lot of trees? Your new start looks like By The Bay to me.

  6. Sorry to hear about the ice storm but you have taken some gorgeous photos.

  7. Beautiful photos ~ but having just had a horrific ice storm here last week! I know how damaging they can be!

  8. I can just picture the birds lighting on the branches or feeders and sliding right off! Poor things! Great photos! Thanks for sharing!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.