Sunday, February 2, 2014

Spring Is Coming

We had a rather pretty sunrise Saturday.

The sun is still so very low to the south as it rises that first the distant hills are bathed in daylight...

...then the rays of the sun finally reach 'our trees'.

Saturday morning we got an added bonus - a rainbow!

As January ended and February began, the first signs of spring appeared. 
In the front flowerbed lots of things are popping up.


A hellebore

Further hellebores...


On the Front Porch my pansies have recovered from our December Deep Freeze and are blooming once again. 

Several of the bulbs I planted in pots are making their presence known.


Tulips and crocus...

More pansies...

Cyclamen and pansies...

There's nothing more cheerful than pansies.

The forecast now shows three days of very low nighttime temperatures mid-week.  I just 'restocked' my greenhouse and set out the agaves last Sunday.  Now I have to decide whether to take a chance and leave the plants where they are, or get my garden cart and move them back into the garage once again.  Grrrrr!!!  


  1. I need those signs of spring. No signs of spring here -- not even close. Sigh. Good luck with the cold snap.

  2. No signs of spring, here, except some melting snow which has revealed tons of dirt mounds caused by our community of resident moles--ugh!! At least I can enjoy a bit of spring with your pretty photos, Beth!

  3. Beth, thanks for the signs of spring! There is hope for us yet. We (well, Kevin actually)just shovelled another 6 inches from yesterday's storm. Gorgeous sunrise!I agree with you about pansies - I can't look at them without smiling. Have a great day!

  4. It's been rainy and miserable here for, like, two weeks now maybe? Spring doesn't seem to be arriving :-( Lovely pictures.

  5. The first signs of Spring are always amazing. It is my favourite season. Beautiful photos.

  6. Oh such pretty pictures to share today Beth. I adore pansies too. They are my favorite flower. =) I have noticed the yellow ones have a nice smell. Have you?

  7. Wonderful pictures! I love seeing the signs of Spring!

  8. Pretty pictures today, Beth. I especially loved the sunrise and the snowdrops :)

  9. Lovely signs of spring in your area! After this past week of cold temps it has warmed up into the mid 60's today.
    I love your February header! I
    hope that the upcoming week is mild for you and that the bird count goes well.

  10. Oh lovely! I have some hellebore coming up, some bulbs but my snowdrops are hiding still! Which reminds me I must check the nursery for the primula auricula that we talked about last year!

    We have some warnings about flurries coming up next week too!

  11. I'd love to have signs of springs, but if there are any, they're buried under several feet of snow. We have another 10 inches coming in tomorrow & Wed. I'm so tired of SNOW!

  12. Beautiful sunrise. We are having hints that spring is coming - there are onions in the yard and the "grass" is greening up. Hope it continues although they are talking of wintertime weather this coming weekend.

  13. A beautiful sunrise. our snowdrops are starting to emerge too.

  14. Very nice to see! We're covered in snow here at the moment and getting another load of it tonight.

  15. Inevitably Spring IS coming, but I saw your future posts with the snow...yikes! I am tempted to put bulbs in pots like you... they always look fabulous! Hugs!

  16. Oh how I wish signs of spring were popping up here instead of being buried by more snow!


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