Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Passionate Pink!

My first Valentine stitch of the month is on linen that POPS!
Lakeside Thistle Pink - boy is it very Barbie-doll Bright.

Saturday morning the skies were full of honking.

Skein after skein of geese flew over head.

Hundreds of them - all headed north. 
We've had really weird weather on the west coast - maybe they are migrating back to breeding grounds much earlier than usual.

The Woodpecker population though has remained static.

My little Downy remains active at the suet feeder. I did see him yesterday in the backyard. He actually lit onto one of the sunflower seed bird feeders and ate there for a bit. I hadn't seen him use those feeders before.  

The Acorn Woodpecker are my Peanut Hogs!

They are also the most dominate birds - the jays scatter when the Acorns fly on in.

I counted six Flickers yesterday.  Two at the suet feeders and four working away on the ground.

It's going to get very cold here again.  I need to go outside and move a bunch of my plants back into the garage...again! That's the wonderful thing about gardening - each year is presents a unique set of problems difficulties challenges!


  1. Whoo hoo! You had me at the title. ;) Looks great.

  2. I just love your geese photos Beth. Lucky you with the flickers.

  3. Love that color. That design is going to look great on there :)

  4. Those pinks are just the perfect thing for Valentine's month. We have been in Arizona. I am so glad to be going home today. My DD said it is going to get cold and I have to be there for the Annas. My DD offered to stop on her way to work, but it would be a bit late.

  5. That looks like a fun project for Valentine's Day! What a bummer about your cold snap. I'd go nuts worrying about the plants and bringing them in and out. Good luck.

  6. Love the pink! Looks like the geese are writing a message in script for you. I didn't know jays could be intimidated!

  7. Love the pink! I just finished a project on a rich pink as well. I've already planned more projects on the remaining material.

  8. I love the pink! Sorry that you have to move all your plants back inside. We can have very cold temps as late as the end of May, so not to many plants get set out before then.

  9. I love those clowns...even if the scare everyone else off when they come in.

  10. I'm with Vickie--great great pink project you will be stitching! Can't wait to see that finish! I am beginning to know which birds are which from reading your blog, and I thank you for that! Hugs!

  11. Love that pink fabric! And like Maggee, I am beginning to know more birds!


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