Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Down Coats and Rainbow-Wear

Design - "Baubles - February"
Designer - SamSarah Design Studio
Fabric - 28 count Newport Natural / Cream linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 19 February 2014
Completed - 23 February 2014 

I really like the unusual colors used for the nine hearts.  I decided I liked a  simpler look without the recommended JABCO buttons.

I end up stitching lots of old charts from my stash that are now OOP.  Often it isn't hopeless if you'd like to stitch the same chart.  Check out eBay and Etsy. Try Googling the name of the designer and chart.  For example I found a copy of Fanci That's "Chocolate Stick Valentines" chart available on a site called 
Cross Stitchers.com for just $5.00.

Sunday morning dawned with temperatures at 32F.

Cold enough that everyone was wearing a down coat.

Down coats and frost covered perches.

Even the Acorn Woodpeckers were all puffed up.

As the day was sunny, my male Anna's Hummingbird gleamed.

The iridescent feathers constantly change colors.

Ruby, and bronze, and yellow, and green.
Quite the rainbow!


  1. What a sweet heart finish - very simple but very charming, Congrats! Nice to see so many birds, even when it's still so cold.

  2. Love that hummingbird. He's wonderful!

  3. The birds all look cold but beautiful. I think my Annas is a female, not much color.

  4. Baubles turned out great! Wonderful bird pics. We're all wearing out down coats again too since the temp is -12 with windchill of -30. Guess what the weather forecast is for this weekend--10 inches of the white stuff Saturday night. I've heard rumors that the snow is supposed to continue through Tuesday of next week. I was just able to see the concrete of my porch and sidewalk!

    Stay warm.

  5. Lovely hummingbirds. Sweet finish too.

  6. Great stitched piece! It is simple, but the colors are great and it just works! It's funny to now be reading about all the snow that everyone had... glad the winter is over! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.