Thursday, February 27, 2014

Creating Color While the Sun Shines

With a new gardening year beginning, it seems fitting that the last three charts in "My Garden Journal" Series arrived yesterday. I'm currently stitching "June's Delphinim", so it will be months before I get to these three. 

The last three days have been sunny and mild. 

Perfect weather to be outside.  I decided to do some early pre-spring gardening and pot up a few color spots. I won a flat of nine violas from Log House Plants at the most recent Avid Gardener meeting. 

I also purchased some double primroses and a small pot of muscari.

I also had several pots of bulbs that I moved to the Front Porch where I might enjoy them as most have now 'popped up'.

This is the view along most of the length of the porch.

I placed the color spots on my two rustic picnic benches. 

Primroses and violas and small bulbs.

This is a study in blues with a pop of orange.
Pansies, violas, muscari, and other bulbs.

Here's the reward for my efforts back in late October.
A bowl of tulips and crocus.

Some of the earliest daffodils are in bloom too.

I think I have around 17 large bowls of bulbs and probably a dozen smaller containers.  I should have a very nice on-going display for the next two months.   


  1. Oh my goodness! That is just going to be the best spring surprise for you each day! Its still colder than a deep freeze here, but your photos sure did make me smile! Didn't you just put up all your pots? :) Now they are out and going!

  2. Your spring flowers are going to be beautiful! We are still in very cold temps here.

  3. What a gorgeous spring display you'll enjoy, Beth. I can't begin to tell you how ready we are for some spring color here in the east. It is just day after day of snow and gray skies. The rare blue sky is we get is such a treat :) Thanks for brightening up my morning!

  4. That promises to look spectacular in the springtime - enjoy. Look forward to seeing you stitch the new charts too, even if it will be a while.

  5. Oh my goodness, look at you getting a jump on things. That's going to look gorgeous when everything is in bloom!

  6. what a lot of lovely spring flowers you're going to have the colours will be amazing when they all bloom x

  7. Oh how beautiful! Nothing but white here. sigh.

  8. How lucky to win those lovely plants, Beth. They sure brighten up these winter days!

    Your bulbs are looking great too which is more than I can say for mine. I will give them time, of course, but I am not seeing much action in my pots!

  9. Please keep up the gardening for those of us suffering under the perpetual white stuff back here. Gorgeous! I want some spring flowers so badly!

  10. Beth, your porch is going to be beautiful in the next few months!!A great reward for work done in the fall. I do like the new charts you got. While I'm not going to stitch them all, I think I will have to do a few of them. They are so pretty.

  11. Oh Beth, they are so beautiful! We are just dreaming of outside flowers.

  12. Nothing says spring more than flowering bulbs! We are no where close to having spring flowers here and lots more snow headed our way this weekend means I'll probably never see my tulips. Your flowers are wonderful!

  13. It's great to see all these signs of Spring, lovely colours to enjoy. The series of monthly stitches has been a very appealing one, I'm enjoying watching them grow.

  14. I really love these last 3 charts!
    It definitely looks like spring at your house :)

  15. ok so I not jealous one bit of your gorgeous pots in bloom lovely to see them out in flower :) love mouse xxxxx

  16. As usual, your garden of pots is simply gorgeous! Your due diligence certainly paid off! Congrats on the win for being an 'Avid Gardener'!


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