Thursday, February 13, 2014

Bunnies and Birds

Design - "Cardinal Sampler"
Chart - "Winter Trio"
Designer - Twisted Threads
Fabric - 32 count Dirty Belfast linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads 
Started - 6 February 2014
Completed - 7 February 2014

I encourage you to click on the above photo to make it larger so you can better see the details of the design. "Cardinal Sampler" stitched up quickly and easily. I very much enjoyed stitching it, and it seemed most appropriate to be working on it as the snow fell! From the most recent weather reports, it appears that all you East Coast Stitchers will have ample opportunity once again to stitch while the snow falls! 

Tuesday afternoon Tom-Cat and I watched a couple of brown bunnies in the backyard.

Bunnies and birds what more could a cat ask for?

Tom-Cat is still pretty pent-up and juicy with Cabin Fever from being inside for several stormy days.  I decided I'd better be outside with him to make sure he did not go into his Elmer Fudd Mode (Kill the Rabbit!).

You'll notice that the quail and the bunnies co-exist in harmony!

I think my guy quail are beginning to Strut Their Stuff...

And appropriately, as Valentine's Day approaches, I think they are starting to pair up.

I noticed that even the little Downy uses the tail perch on the suet feeder.  Look closely at his bent tail feather that are helping him to balance.  I am always surprised how high up the legs are (chest level) and how much lower most of the weight of the body is. 

I like this Chestnut-backed Chickadee. He's about ready to grab a peanut.

I'd begun to worry as I'd not seen any Anna's Hummingbirds since before the snow storm.  I was most pleased to have a couple of brief sightings on Tuesday.

The Bushtits were also AWOL during the poor weather.  They've since returned and mob my suet and butter bark feeders about 4:00pm each day.  

As dusk approached this Song Sparrow held a short a melodic concert. A nice way to end the day.


  1. A sweet sampler! I don't know if I love the bunny and quail picture more or the quail couple one.

  2. Sampler looks good, nice to stitch a quick stitch sometimes, and love all the photos of birds. We have just set up a nest box with a camera.. We had blue tits last year so hope they will like this box with the camera, it even has sound.

  3. Hi Beth! I have really enjoyed following your blog. I really love all the pictures of the birds (and bunnies, and deer) in your yard. We have several bird feeders as well, but sadly we have been neglecting them; however, I was inspired by your blog to put fresh suet cakes out in our suet feeders last week when the weather turned snowy, and boy howdy were the little birds happy about that!

    I have a feeling we live relatively close to one another - I live in Onalaska, WA, about 15 miles off the I-5 corridor, about 20 minutes from Chehalis. I was wondering where you get your evenweave and linen fabrics for your projects. I seem to be having a really hard time finding them anywhere nearby and thought you might have a few suggestions? All we have around these parts is Joann's and Michael's, and pretty much all I get from either of them is the DMC floss. There are two brick & mortar shops that I'd like to check out in Portland, but I don't get down there very often. I even have trouble shopping for it online.

    Any suggestions you may have will be greatly appreciated. I really like your projects - keep up the great work!

  4. Great finish! Love those Cardinals! Those Bushtits really like the suet, don't they? They look to be tiny little birds too.

  5. Cute finish! I enjoyed your photos..I just love quails and enjoy seeing them. One Christmas morning a few years ago we looked out and saw 13 walking in a row on our back wall - out for their Christmas walk I guess! Loved your snow-globe trying to resist picking up yet another chart!

  6. What a cute finish, Beth! And how sweet that the bunnies and quail enjoy eachother's company :)

  7. Lovely finish! Love the birds and quail and rabbits too!

  8. Love the sampler! I am wanting to do a bird wall. Geesh, I have too many theme walls I want to do! We will not see any hummingbirds until around June. My chickadees were AWOL during the storm and they are usually at the feeder getting their share of the food during snow.

  9. Sweet stitches! Love that photo of the bunny and quail ~ adorable!

  10. Enjoyed seeing your stitched piece and all your feathered and furry friends.

  11. A lovely stitched finish. Love the rabbit and quail photo.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.