Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Chocolate Heart

Design - "Chocolate Heart"
Chart - "Chocolate Stick Valentines"
Designer - Fanci That
Fabric - 28 count Milk Chocolate linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 February 2014
Completed - 15 February 2014

This was a fun little stitch.  I worked on it one evening while watching the Winter Olympics. The chart has a second pattern and I think I'll stitch it as well.

I did manage to sneak in one last bird count late Friday afternoon back at home.  I truly was an hour or so too late in the day to get a very good variety of birds.  Here's what I observed:

February 17, 2014
5-5:30pm - At home 

  • 01 California Quail - I heard quail calling - at least one
  • 01 Mourning Dove  
  • 02 Acorn Woodpecker - birds talking as they worked in their grainery tree
  • 01 Black-capped Chickadee  
  • 25 American Robin   
  • 03 Spotted Towhee 
  • 02 Song Sparrow 
  • 02 Golden-crowned Sparrow
  • 01 Dark-eyed Junco  
As you can see from the numbers counted above, most of the birds had already retired for the evening. The quail were active but hidden in the brush. I could hear them talking, but was unable to get an accurate count.  The good old Robins though - they were everywhere! They've enjoyed our past few rainy days.  Good worm weather!

Mary asked about this new-to-me bird feeder.  I bought it at my local Wild Birds Unlimited store.  The baffle on the top is adjustable. I'm hoping in the spring to lower it enough that my big pigs, the Band-tailed Pigeons won't be able to access the food.  The tray on the bottom screws on and off and you can attach bird food pressed into 'cyclinder' shapes in the center.  Then you can add more bird food in the tray. I'm interested to see who ends up using it. 

If I was truly counting all  the critters at the bird feeders I'd have had to include this gal too!   


  1. Thank you for bird feeder info.. It looks very cool, there is a Birds Unlimited near, after our current little storm I shall head over to get one. My bird count, as always, was laughable, I think my birds know and are shy.

  2. What a cute little design...I love it!

    I am loving seeing your bird counts. Such a variety of species. xx

  3. Love your stitching! Love seeing what birds you saw too. I need to get myself a bird feeder. Still haven't done that. That one seems a nice one.

  4. A cute little stitch and I love your new bird feeder. I will be anxious to see how the birds like it.

  5. Yes, some of the critters at the bird feeders have bushy tails and some have hooves!
    I'm your latest follower....enjoying your blog!

  6. Maybe they should move the Bird Count closer to spring! February is a hard month, for all!

  7. I love love love the Chocolate Heart! So cute!

    Lately a certain squirrel has been emptying my feeders. It's frustrating and I haven't figured out how to keep it away from the feeders as I have too many trees in my yard.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.