Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Most Everyone is in Need of a Warm Winter Welcome

Design - "Warm Winter Welcome"
Designer - Barbara Ana Designs
Fabric - 30 count R & R Light Cappuccino linen 
Fibers - DMC & Anchor - variegated colors -2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 January 2014
Completed - 24 January 2014

Based on all the storms, the snow, and the extreme cold blanketing most of the United States, I'd say most everyone would welcome a truly Warm Winter! This was a fun and cheerful stitch.  It used 'regular' Anchor and DMC colors as well as some variegated colors.  The variegated threads were a bit of a challenge to find.  I ended up having to special order them.

I mentioned that we had an especially nice sunny Sunday.  

I think that everyone enjoyed it. It's hard to take a photo of my entire covey of quail.  If you click on this photo I think there are around 25-26 birds milling about.

My Yellow-rumped Warbler came by and posed for some shots to add to his portfolio.
Straight on...  

Right side profile...

Left side profile!

The most amusing bird though was an Anna's Hummingbird.

It was such a nice warm day, he decided to take a bath in the small pool atop my front fountain.

But as you can see he had problems combating the strength of the burbling water.

To keep the fountain from freezing during the winter months, I have the pump turned up.  After the chance of hard frosts pass, I'll turn the pump down and the water flow will be much quieter.  I expect the hummers will use this 'bath' from April through October.  It's the perfect size for these little jewels. 


  1. Thank you for the warm winter welcome, I need it! It is currently -14º. So tired of the massive snow accumulated here. Have a great day Beth!

  2. Your warm winter welcome got stitched up fast! The colors are bright and cheery.

  3. That's a really cute piece and definitely is a warm welcome in these dreary, cold days of winter!

  4. If you're ever looking for the threads again I know that Sew and So an online needlecraft shop over here have them and they dispatch orders the same day. You can also see which items are in stock so you don't place an order and find out they don't have it available. They offer very good service.

  5. Warm ....weather....needs....must...have....BRRRRRR! XD

  6. congrats on a cheerful finish :)

  7. Such a bright and cheery finish, Beth!! And all of us in the midwest and northeast surely need a warm winter welcome. This sub-zero weather is really starting to get to us!

  8. Love the finish! That bird bath is wonderful -- wow, so pretty! And if the hummers love it, all the better!

  9. What a colorful and very cheerful finish!! Great stitching. I love the photos of the little hummingbird taking a bath!

  10. Warm Winter Welcome turned out really cute! Love the bright colors too. I was given a birdbath heater for Christmas, but I've discovered that the wind keeps blowing the melted water out of the birdbath. Winter can end any time now.

  11. Beth I love your warm winter welcome! I am so glad that you are having some nice days - we are still freezing cold!!

  12. That is a really cute finish! I did one of her pieces, and used variegated DMC's...found them at AC Moore. Hugs!

  13. LOVE the colors on this! Very nice. :)


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