Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Let It Snow!

Is it cold enough for you?
I hope you are wearing mittens.
Another weather-appropriate stitch coming up!

While we missed out on the ultra-cold weather this past weekend, we did have sub-freezing temperatures that made for frosty mornings.

Everything had a sparking coat of frost.

It made the Steller's Jays light up the otherwise dull landscape.

The bright blue 'eyebrows' make the birds appear to be frowning.

I can't put the food out fast enough for them.

Cold weather brings lots of Juncos to the feeders.

I think this would make a nice holiday greeting card.

On a cold morning everyone is extra puffy.



In past winters I've had two kinds of Chickadees.

So far though I just have the 'basic' birds.

Puffy Sparrows

And puffy finches.

I hope if you are puffed up, it is because of the heavy polartec or down jacket you are wearing!


  1. Yes! Yes it is cold enough for me. Enough!!

  2. Yesterday I had an Eastern Towhee show up! All my birds are puffy and they keep shaking off their feet. It's -14 here and I wish I could let them all in!

  3. I've just been catching up on your last few posts Beth and saw the coyote pics. A bit scary for your cats if they go out at night. I hope the cold is bearable where you are, I know it's pretty extreme in places.

  4. it's cute to see the birds in their puffy jackets! I like that sparrow is staring straight into the camera!

    It's pouring rain this morning but no complaints since it's way better than the deep freeze in other parts of the country!

  5. You have some of the best photo's! How do you do that? :-)

    We have been experiencing the deep freeze here in the Northeast. Brrrr, it's cold outside.

  6. Yes, it is definitely cold enough here in southern Ohio -- the high today is about 11 degrees - windchill something in the minus 20's. Love your photos - I know the birds are quite grateful for the food - poor babies. Stay warm!

  7. Love seeing those birds all puffed up. So fun! I can't stand this cold. I know we're not as cold as the midwest, but it's way colder than I'm used to around here! Brrrrr!

  8. I agree, a perfect card! We have 2 kinds of chickadees , black capped and the ones with brown on their backs. They are among my favorite birds. I also love the juncos. These two types make up most of the birds at our feeder.

  9. Beautiful pics! I see several that would be great cards. And yep, we're wearing our mittens...and long johns and scarves and hata and two or more pairs of socks!

  10. Hope you have enough of your 'snowy' charts!

  11. It's 72 here today!! Imagine! Of course, we are under a tornado watch... but the storms are passing us by quickly. I really want to stitch some smalls, but I made this deal to finish this BAP/WIP and I'm gonna stick to it! Love my birdie pictures. Haven't been seeing many around here. They would be terribly confused! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.