Friday, January 10, 2014

Field Trip

As is normal for me, I have a couple of snowmen projects going at the same time. The left is a Shepherd's Bush kit, the right is a Lizzie Kate kit.

Thursday was cold and damp and rainy.  

A perfect day for a birding field to the William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge! While the main management goal of the refuge is to provide winter habitat for Dusky Canada Geese,

the refuge has lots of good habitat for all kinds of birds.

Numerous Mallards and Northern Pintails.

It was exciting to see Tundra Swans. They are winter visitors in Oregon though most end up staying in the Sacramento Delta in California. 

Even on a gray day there were 'pops' of color in the landscape.

Here a Great Blue Herons hangs out with the geese.

Large group of Dusky Canada Geese.

An American Coot.

Geese in flight.

I have more photos to share, so there will probably be a couple more posts with the birds and wildlife of the refuge.


  1. I don't know why I find Canada geese so appealing. I think it's one of the reasons I enjoy the work of P Buckley Moss so much.

  2. Cute snowmen! Nice pics of the birds, it looks like a great place for them.

  3. I like seeing your stitching in the frames ready to work on. Looks like a wonderful wildlife refuge!

  4. What a wonderful place to see the birds!

  5. Did you see the new freebie for 2014 on the Bush Blog? Gotta go get it too Beth :)
    Your snowmen are cute as buttons and your birdies are busy!

  6. Your Blue Heron reminded me that when the family was here, we went to a local park and took a long walk, and we saw what looks like it was a big blue heron and then we saw two white ones--they were up in a tree! Gotta get those pictures sent to me so I can share them!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.