Friday, January 24, 2014

Another Day of Sunshine

Yep, another new stitch started.  I love the colors!
It's Lizzie Kate's "Let it Snow". 

No snow or cold around here.  
We enjoyed a second day of warm January sunshine.

My covey of California Quail marched by.

I counted 31 birds!

As for the Anna's Hummingbirds, I know I have two as I saw them fighting over the best seat in the house - at the nectar feeder. 

My Yellow-rumped Warbler dallied at a suet feeder.

Again, he appears to be a solo bird.

I think it is strange just how many 'solos' birds there are hanging out this time of year. 

This Warbler, my Black Phoebe, the male Downy Woodpecker, and the female Varied Thrush I saw earlier this week.

I will tell you there's no shortage of Jays!  The Scrub Jays and the Stellar's Jays talked and talked and talked and talked all day long.  I am amazed at the amount of birds 'talking' during the deep winter.  The Chickadees, the Juncos, the Towhees, the House Finches, the Quail, and the Song Sparrows all chatter.  And I always hear the Bushtits and the Black Phoebe before I find them.


  1. Love that second picture of your big, orange kitty soaking up the sun.

  2. Love the colors of your stitching too! Wish we had WARM sunshine. We just have cold sunshine. lol! So many quail! Love seeing all the birds.

  3. I am jealous of your warm weather! This Winter has been brutal. I love the colors in the LK piece as well, very cheerful!

  4. Gorgeous stitching! Wonderful colours. And more lovely birds to make me jealous!!

  5. You're lucky that you have sunshine warm January weather to enjoy! We had some sunshine this morning, but it was difficult to see it through all the blowing snow. Your new L*K looks good and I love the colors too!

  6. We had sunshine today, but it only reached 23 so no ice melted, dang it! Love the pictures of the warbler, that is my fave today! Hugs!

  7. The perfect day for taking beautiful bird pictures! I do love the colors in you WIP! They are so bright and cheerful.

  8. A lovely new start. Kitty had the right idea!


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