Tuesday, January 14, 2014

A Trying Tuesday

If one is good, and two or better, then what do you say to three, or four or five?  I think that I have five or so different stitches going on at the moment.  I needed something portable to take to a basketball game on Sunday, so I kitted up Lizzie Kate's "Baby it's Cold Outside".

I've been messing with my bird feeders trying to attract more fuzzy gray monsters birds.

I moved this suet feeder and platform to a small tree, and it became a Squirrel Magnet.

Fortunately he didn't eat the suet, just gorged on the sunflower seeds.

Bye-bye Squirrely Guy!  Good riddance!


  1. That is a cute pattern! Those squirrels!!

  2. Enjoy the new stitch. Can't say I like those large gray squirrels much :-) I much prefer the sleeker red ones...

  3. That L*K chart will be a nice stitch. And squirrels today, not birds, lol.

  4. What phenomenal pictures of that squirrel! I hate to even tell you this, but over the holidays, my boys went squirrel hunting. They eat them too...ugh! They do this with my husbands family as I will not dress a rodent for a meal...

  5. Dear dear dear. Those squirrels get into everything, don't they?

  6. As far as stitching projects go, the more the merrier. As for the squirrels eating the birds' food, not so much!

  7. Oh dear, those pesty squirrels! Good luck with all those projects going on.

  8. I always have unwanted visitors to my feeders too. Enjoy the new stitch. I have that one in my stash too.

  9. Such cute photos. Your zoom on your camera is awesome☺ I love seeing all the charts you work on. My sister gets your posts by email and she loves all the nature photos just like I do.

  10. Ooo, they are such pests! Cute, yes, but still pesky. My squirrels weren't content with straight out STEALING the box that hangs the suet this week - they also broke the plastic dome that went over it. (Which is supposed to make it so they can't get the suet but, in actuality, it just makes things a tiny bit HARDER for them, but not impossible.) Dome is glued. Suet box found way out in the yard. If they aren't more well-behaved soon I'm not going to be able to stop the husband from 'reducing their numbers' if you know what I mean. :(

  11. Tis true--the more the merrier! Tho I am trying to focus on only one at a time right now. And Finish them! Funny about the squirrel...they are pesky critters! But they get hungry too! My sister feeds the squirrels in our backyard every single day--she sets out her apple cores! Hmmm...it is back where we are moving our vegetable garden this year. Hope they are not planning to eat there!

  12. Great project! Squirrels can be a pain eating the birds food, but they are so comical to watch!


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