Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Blog Header Revealed

Garden Grumbles & Cross Stitch Fumbles December 2013 Blog Header

These are all Christmas stitch that I've done in the last couple of years.

Horizontal Rows -
Row #1: The Prairie Schooler, "A Prairie Christmas"- Partridge, Amy Bruecken Designs, "Silent Night" (kit); Sam Sarah, "Cranberry Tree Tin" (kit); Lizzie Kate "Tiny Tidings XVII - Celebrate".

Row #2: Shakespeare's Peddler, "A-Wassailing" (kit).

Row #3: Lizzie Kate, "Flora McSampler 2011 Ornaments - Joy"; The Prairie Schooler, "A Prairie Christmas" - Cat; Niky's Creations, "Christmas Ornaments" - Reindeer; Lizzie Kate, "Joy to the World Pinkeep Box". 

Kathy F. asked about "A-Wassailing". It was a limited edition kit from 2011.  It did show up on eBay last month...so there is hope.

My Mom was a huge help yesterday.  We got all of the plants moved off from the Front Porch and most of the plants from the Back Patio tucked into the shop.  Today I have about 6 more loads (my garden cart is great!) to take inside.  Then I need to empty the fountains and the birdbaths.  I hope we are ready for whatever comes our way.  I know all you mid-westerners (and Yukon types) probably think that I am a wimp, but this is about as cold as it ever gets here in the Willamette Valley, and it only does this every five years or so. Thus we consider this to be pretty extreme weather.   


  1. I love your header this month my dear! And wimp no...but I must say, I love the cold. But then again, I find value in each season as it comes along. :)
    Batten down the hatches! Its coming!

  2. That partridge up top made me think of you and your many quail! ;)

  3. The Willamette Valley is the best kept secret in the country.......it is absolutely gorgeous & I'm convinced the Jolly Green Giant lives there!!!!! I never realized the cold fronts slide down well east of Oregon & your weather is pretty perfect. I've visited there twice & hope to return someday!!

  4. The Dec header is great! Been busy stitching for gifts, but I need to get going on some Christmas stitching for myself.

    P.S. I don't think you're a wimp, but you are lucky that you don't get the cold temps every winter.

  5. Love this December header, Beth--especially the PS pieces. I've stitched the cat, but not the partridge. Need to make sure I stitch him some day. Hang in there with the colder weather :)

  6. I too love the partridge! You are not a wimp. I moved from CT 20 years ago to San Diego and then to Phoenix. I'm chilly at 55 now!

  7. Great header. I have the partridge and cat ornies -- I have the whole set stitched up and on the tree. Well, when the tree goes up, they will be on it. lol! Good luck with the cold weather prep. I definitely think of your area as being much milder than what you're getting. Brrrr!

  8. Love the header. Apparently PS A Prairie Christmas is OOP.

  9. Beth your monthly headers are always great and I so appreciate that you share the names/designers of your patterns. Keep warm!

  10. A great header! It is really getting cold up here. Our plants and animals are just not used to this cold and that is the problem. I don't think we are wimps! We just love our out of doors!

  11. When I saw the quail stitched piece I thought of you too:) Beautiful ornaments you selected for your blog header. love Annette

  12. I look forward to your blog headers every month. This one is wonderful.
    So glad that you got all of the garden clean up done. Now enjoy the season :)

  13. A great blog header this month. FLora McSampler ... that's the one I wanted to know the designer. Thank you, you don't know how much you've helped. :)

  14. Great header! Hope you are staying warm and comfy!

  15. I have acquired a few of those charts--better get busy stitching!! For NEXT year it seems! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.