Friday, December 20, 2013

Sources of Inspiration

Design - "Woodland Deer"
Designer - Threadworks Primitive
Fabric - 28 count mystery linen scrap
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 14 December 2013
Completed - 16 December 2013

I found the above ornament and the inspiration to stitch it after reading Day Twelve of The Twisted Stitcher - Vonna's blog. Vonna is a remarkably proficient stitcher and seems to be endlessly creative in her finishes too.

The lights of our house inspire me to keep the holiday spirit going even when I'm tired and cranky.
There's something spiritual about lights casting against the dark of winter. 


  1. Your holiday lights look wonderful! Nice stitching too.

  2. Keeping a heart felt Christmas gong is always a good thing! Lights are pretty in the dark; I bet their reflection on the snow was beautiful too.

  3. I am one of those that loves all the Christmas lights. We always go to the section of town that has a huge amount of lights. Since we are getting older, we have quit hanging lights on our house. I make do with lots on my tree!!!
    Loving all your stitching!!

  4. I need to go sit near my lighted tree, to get the crankiness to go away. Just heard my daughter and family cannot make it here in time for Christmas-- but can come a month later! I am deflated... But love the lights!

  5. Your house looks so pretty! Christmas lights do help the grumpiest, don't they? Such a sweet finish!

  6. The Woodland Deer is the perfect stitch for you! The house looks so pretty.

  7. I've been enjoying Vonna's blog too. Your Woodland Deer are adorable.

    You're right about the Christmas lights. We have another snowstorm headed our way tomorrow into Sunday, but the way the new LED lights project circles on the house and snow make it look so pretty.

  8. Your lights look wonderful. A great ornament too.

  9. Pretty lights. I did my outside lights, but this year for some reason not many of our neighbors did. I got my decorating done early, for me at least, right after Thanksgiving, and I was the first in our neighborhood. Then after that the ice and snow hit, and I think that had an impact on how people decorated.

  10. A lovely finish Beth.

    You're home looks beautiful.

    Merry Christmas!

  11. Love your lighted home, Beth--it definitely helps crankiness disappear to watch the lights of Christmas everywhere :) Cute little finish, too!

  12. To be honest, when I stitched that ornament, I thought of you constantly :) HA HA HA!
    Your home is lovely! and absolutely the twinkle lights are a bad mood chaser! Merry Christmas Beth! You are an endless source of sunny smiles for me to tap into along my blog reading :)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.