Monday, December 30, 2013

Further Red and Green

Design - "Love" (Jingles)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count natural linen
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 29 December 2013
Completed - 29 December 2013

This is a fast little stitch - I worked on it during time outs and halftime at a college basketball game and finished it up while watching TV later in the evening.  

I liked the green and red colors and realized that once again, the colors were repeated in my natural world.

I'd not seen much of my Anna's hummingbirds since our snow and extreme cold.  So I was beyond thrilled to see and hear a couple of them this weekend. 

One male staked out the nectar feeder.

The other male watched from a perch in a blackberry thicket among the young Douglas fir trees.

This aggressive stance is one the bird uses while 'chattering" his location and displeasure at other 'humming intruders".

As you can see he looks fat and healthy.

I'm glad our hummers made it through the bad weather.
They certainly brighten the dull foggy days of December.


  1. I am glad they are doing well! They are such interesting and fun little birds to watch. I learned how territorial they can be and loud!

  2. I love seeing photos of your hummers. They are such gorgeous little wee birds. Your telephoto lense is working well!

  3. A flash of colour in winter is good to see. I think the greyness of winter makes us appreciate the colours of the other seasons all the more.

  4. Love the hummingbirds, I only have some here in the summer and they are a different color

  5. A pretty QUICK finish! And I love that little guy's eyes. Pretty as a picture!

  6. Sweet little stitch and birds! ;)
    GO PACK GO!!

  7. Wonderful finish! I'm thinking I should pull out some small red & green stitching too. Love seeing the hummers again and so glad that they made it through your winter weather.

  8. I think hummingbirds will always be my favorite bird. Such beautiful pics you got of them!

  9. Wonderful hummingbird pictures. I'm so glad they are doing fine. I also love the little flower stitch. Perfect colors for this time of year. In fact, I like those colors anytime!

  10. A wonderful finish. The splash of colour on the birds really do warm the heart in the winter time.

    Happy New Year!

  11. Sweet stitches and even sweeter knowing that your little hummers survived the extreme weather....have a wonderful New Years!

  12. Sweet stitches and even sweeter knowing that your little hummers survived the extreme weather....have a wonderful New Years!

  13. BONNE ANNEE A VOUS ET MERCI POUR VOTRE BLOG QUE J ADORE - avec ses photos d'oiseaux superbes !! BISOUS -CECILE

  14. I can't WAIT to have time to stitch! Maybe next week, after I get caught up on everything... Cute finish! Love our hummers!


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