Sunday, December 1, 2013

Bambi's Family

Our two-point buck showed up again Wednesday and spent most of the afternoon and evening close to our house.

It's unusual to have a buck linger like that.

It's also unusual to have one 'hanging out' with other deer.
As a family we've been arguing about the makeup of the group.  My father thinks they are all males.  I maintain there's a doe and with a fawn.  I suppose the fawn could be male - if so - then it's Bambi's family, isn't it? 

The buck found our black oil sunflower seeds. 

He munched away quite happily... the company of the fawn.


  1. Wow, that's so cool! Such a pretty family, no matter what the composition. Very curious though. Could he be a young buck?

  2. The bucks are so majestic looking. I think the fawn may turn out to be a buck, but I agree Mama and Papa.

  3. That is so very amazing...on your patio a family ( or just friends, who cares) of deer. My heart would be beating rapidly just the excitement of seeing a buck that close.

  4. They do look like a family, lovely to see.

  5. You have quite the deer family!

  6. Do the deer linger in your yard because it's hunting season and there's no hunting on your property? I would really enjoy just watching the deer family lingering in the yard.

    Love the new header pics too!

  7. Sweet! I know from experience that they can get very comfortable in a place where there is a food supply ~ just ask my mother how her landscaping is ~ lol!! They have one deer that they can't even chase just stares at them and continues eating.

  8. Just read 4 days worth of posts, yes I am way behind! Loved the sky picture, some effects are amazing. Your birds are just so colourful. Ahh the deer they are a lovely family.

  9. I always thought that would have been a 4-pointer, cause there are four points showing--two on each side. Just like the younger buck we would have called a 'button buck' cause he just had little buds of antlers coming up, like buttons. I just checked with my hubby and he agrees--four pointer!! I too, noticed that you have added something new...Garden Grumbles & Cross Stitch Fumbles & Birding Bumbles... Aha! I may not be first, but I noticed!!

  10. That PS chart is awesome! She always hits it out of the park!


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