Thursday, November 21, 2013

Over One is Done & My Other Regulars

I finished up the over one on "Fair Daffodil".
And now I must say that the stitching over two seems like poking holes through wide open barns door - very easy! Stitching up the rest of the design should be pretty straight forward I think.

Back to the birds.  
The other regulars at my Peanut Gallery include... two Acorn Woodpeckers...

...though I just have recent photos of the male.

The Steller's Jays are BIG peanut fans too.

I've counted as many as 5 or 6 lined up and squawking awaiting their turn. I am going through more than 20 pounds of peanuts in a month's time!


  1. Those Stellar's Jays are awesome!

  2. Ugh one over one...

    It's so painful to stitch!

    Love your bird pic's!!! Those Stellar's Jays are amazing ( or you could say steller! pardon the pun hehe). So vibrant! Thanks for sharing.


  3. Great bird pictures! Your stitching is lovely.

  4. Wow, that's a lot of peanuts! lol! The Stellar's Jays are pretty! Just read a novel that mentioned them. Love your stitching! Glad you finished that over one stuff.

  5. I love your over 1 stitching! I agree, after stitching over, stitching over 2 seems huge. The Jays are so bright!

  6. Over one isn't fun - I avoid it when I can. That's a lot of peanuts - we have a similar issue with sunflower hearts - the wood pigeons come in their hoards to eat them.

  7. Love love the bird pics!! I spend a fortune feeding the birds but who can resist these feathered creations that shout ....yes there is a God!!!

    Over one is highly over rated!!! Lol

  8. I know how you feel, I'm always happy to finish any over one that I have to do. Great bird photos! The acorn woodpeckers are so unusual.

  9. Hey it is Allison from H & D. Love the Stellar Jays and those Woodpeckers are so cool. See you Monday

  10. Stitching progress looks lovely. The colouring of the Jays is so pretty.

  11. Great stitches! Wow!! Those stellar jays are stunning!! We don't see those around here.

  12. Occasionally I stitch over one, but usually as a small. If there is over one in a piece, I avoid the piece! My eyes don't really like that tiny count! Hugs!


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