Friday, November 1, 2013

It's November

It's November, and while I've put together a new blog header for the month, I find that there are still some more owls I'd like to stitch.  So maybe November will be a mix of owls and pumpkins and turkeys.  We shall see!

Speaking of owls...

I was in Hiron's yesterday.  Hiron's is a local pharmacy and gift store.
The gifts are amazing! See all the owl stuff?

The store was crazy busy with people getting ready for Halloween. 

There were lots of great displays. 

I like the black and white polka dot pumpkin.

And still more owls!

And if Halloween is not your thing, how about some Christmas owl decorations?  
I made it out of the store without buying anything, but oh I've got lots of ideas now for my Christmas Wish List!


  1. LOL OMG! The spasms you must have bee feeling walking around all those owls...and you didn't buy ANY!?!?!?! Your willpower is strong. LOL

  2. I can understand why you still want to stitch more owls as they are just so darn cute - all those owls in that shop look irresistable I don't think I could have walked out of there without at least one under my arm :)

  3. Nice blog header for the month! Love that store display! Wow!

  4. Your pretty headers always make me smile! What an awesome store... love all those owls :)

  5. Love the new header! Twirly November and Autumn Winds describes it around here today! We've had over 3 inches of rain and the wind started when we'd had 2 inches and is still blowing today even though the rain is gone. Nothing like wet leaves blowing around and slapping you in the face, lol.

    I'd have gone crazy in that store with all those owls.

  6. Aww cute blog header dear...
    Big hugs x

  7. Man--look at all those OWLS!! I really like owls this year... guess I got sucked into their marketing blitz! I am not sure I could have resisted buying in that store! Hugs!

  8. I love your Nov. blog heade -can't wait for "the tour" of it.

    What a great store,too! Your willpower is inspiring :-).

  9. Your headers are always wonderful! I would love to visit that store!!! I think owls work for any time. I keep my JBW one up most of the year,

  10. Love the new header and I have loved all of the owl designs that you have stitched.

  11. A lovely new blog header. Wonderful gifts at the sore, they have great displays. Looking forward to see what you have for us in November.

  12. Wspaniały sklep! Tyle sów w jednym miejscu. Fajnie wyglądała dynia na pajęczych nogach :)

  13. Yes, please. To all the owl stuff. *WANT*


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