Friday, November 15, 2013

Here It Is!

Another beauty!
As a May baby, I've always been partial to lilies of the valley.

Design - "May's Lily"
Designer - Cottage Garden Samplings
Fabric - 32 count Lambwool linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST & DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 27 October 2013
Completed -12 November 2013 

I haven't had any luck enticing my sapsuckers to the peanut or suet feeders.In fact, they've been pretty rare birds as of late.  So I was pleased to see one working away a couple of days ago. They have such
pretty read heads.

As dusk gathered force the other evening, so did the Robins.  I counted 20 on the back lawn and a couple of dozen more in the trees nearby.

It's Bath Time
This Song Sparrow splished and splashed away.

She had the fountain all to herself.

I enjoy watching the birds in the water.

She was quite vigorous!

You can see water droplets on her side and tail feathers.

Clean and shiny! 


  1. Very nice finish Beth. Love the little birdies tucked up in the border. =)

  2. Love the stitching!! Adorable!! Birds are lovely - you always take such nice pictures!!

  3. I am enjoying seeing this series of designs develop. The birds are fun to watch when bathing, the most vigorous bathers we have are the blackbirds.

  4. Love your May finish -- gorgeous! I love lilies of the valley. Great pics of the bath too. So cute!

  5. Your stitching is beautiful and I love the wildlife pics you post! =)

  6. Your stitching is so pretty. I'm a May baby too and love lily of the valley. I finally planted some two springs ago.

  7. Lovely stitching! My mother-in-law gave me some Lily of the Valley because she said they were "growing like weeds and taking over her garden". I love how they have spread in my garden.

  8. Very cute finish. We had lily of the valley in New Hampshire, their blooming was a sure sign of spring and the smell was heavenly.

  9. Such a beautiful finish, Beth--I really love the way she designs her borders in this series!

  10. Such pretty stitches!! Love the bird~bath action shots!

  11. That May is a nice one too! She has designed a great series! And you have been stitching a great series! Love the pics of the bird bath... such a great camera! Hugs!

  12. A beautiful finish. Love the bird bathing.

  13. Another one done! You could frame them all individually and have a special wall for them for all year. I'm assuming you want to do something with them though. Sometimes it's all about the stitching, I know. It's a really nice set of designs.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.