Friday, November 29, 2013

Flicker Friday

It's a long holiday weekend here in the States, so I'm starting the weekend today (no cross stitching updates). Instead we will go straight to Birdland.

I think I must have 6 or eight different Flickers.

There's always one or two working on the suet or peanuts.

West of the Rocky Mountains we have Orange Shafted Flickers - the east has Yellow shafted Flickers.

The orange feathers are very prominent in this photo of a female.

Besides their work at the feeders, Flickers are frequent ground feeders.

They look rather ungainly on the ground with their broad stance.

The guys appear as cross-dressers with their bright red cheeks.

My other ground feeders include Towhees...

...and Song Sparrows.


  1. Just wonderful. It's like being right there!

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Wishing you a great long weekend full of time for stitching and for taking pictures of all those lovely birds out there.

  3. Your photos are amazing! Thanks for sharing them.

  4. Great pics from Birdland. I love the spots on the Flickers' chests.

  5. I still love the flickers with the beautiful markings on their feathers. The flashes of orange are quite eye catching.

  6. I don't think I've ever actually seen a Flicker. You're lucky to have them visiting you.

  7. Beautiful! I can't wait for the flickers to discover our suet. They seem to love it.

  8. I love their markings, like their spotted bellies.

  9. I know I have never seen a flicker live and in color, except through your blog! It's almost like being there tho, cause you take great pictures! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.